Great for its time but so dated now.

Yeah sure it adds a lot of things but most of what it adds is just annoying and hurts the re-playability. I really didn't like the chosen they just show up out of nowhere and end up doing annoying time consuming things that re inconsequential. Its new and ads a lot but tis mainly mid.

To me this is the one. This is my favorite fighting game of all time. It is super fun and wild and has a great art style. Not to mention that great marvel v Capcom three fighter with assist fighting system. It also has so much depth I still play this game just cause there is still so much to learn. Its so good.

To me this ruined the formula. The graphics no longer look like a comic they just look generic. Also the fact that its only two fighters and the took out the whole assist mechanic to me is just lame.

Disappointed that they changed so little from the previous game

Really solid baseball game with tons of depth. Loved all the legends you could play with.

Extremely fun. I used to play this on my psp as a part of a neogeo mash up, and also I have it ported on my Xbox one. It is a classic super fun graphics addictive gameplay and tons of depth. I have played this countless times.


Loved this game as a kid. Would replay it to see what all the other heroes could do.

Really liked how they emphasized double battles in this. However it felt to me that they were leaning more kid friendly in this one and it felt not as grity. Still great game with good balance and tons of fun pokemon.

The same great Pokémon game we all know and love but with better graphics. A classic. I always picked Charizard.

Given how old this game was it was really impressive. I loved this as a kid and I had at one point every Pokémon. Super cute graphical style but the later Gameboy advance games were better.

For me this is the undisputed best Pokémon game. Best graphics, music, vibe, balance, and Pokémon selection. I have played this so many times and it never gets old.

Solid game super good for a Gameboy game. However it gets repetitive and doesn't have much re-playability. A simple fighter game

Loved this game. Super fun gameplay with tons of depth and super cute graphics. Loved the plot and loved all the anime aspects (love triangle, crossdressing, chosen one) super kawaii, super fun and just an all around blast for anime and gaming fans.

loved this game so much depth. loved how all the stories end with that one hug space battle super fun.