5 reviews liked by Hikari

A better Cold Steel 1 in pretty much every way, while carrying many of the faults of that game as well: an extremely formulaic structure being the main one that really wore me down after so many hours. That said, everyone in the new cast, the new areas, new additions to the gameplay and improved graphics were all great and made for the best entry in the Cold Steel games yet.
The call backs and involvement from past games were also implemented very well and made the huge investment in the series feel worth it.

This game isn't really a sequel but rather the second part of a cohesive whole. It takes all the good parts of the first game and improves on them. My love for the franchise grows as I continue to get to know the whole world from the lighthouse keeper to the friendly airship engineer.

My entire childhood and the game that singlehandedly made me fall in love with gaming. Undisputed GOAT.
Still a 5/5 even without the kiddo bias

Great atmosphere, instant love for me. I struggle to pick a favourite Zelda game between this and wind waker

you know probably the best mario game