surpassed Uta which already set the bar really high, thanks you sca-ji

Same game as the OG, I like both portrait versions the same but this feels more like a definitive version for me than PC release

A masterpiece, Falcom put all their love into making this you can feel it, one the best Ys and one of their best games for sure as well as a good entry for newcomers.

Plot may not be as engaging as VIII but it's still enough to keep me interested for 55 hours and more wouldn't have bothered me tbh. Early it focuses more on the side characters (bros from Karnak), but by the second half of the game maybe even earlier they become sort of useless and lose their interest that's sad, but the story starts after this and it's great. Talking about characters, Karja is a great match for Adol (the 盾の兄弟 thing is peak fr) but I regret that she doesn't have more intimate moments with Adol to deepen their bond even if you can feel it grow as the adventure goes on.

The exploration is fine, having a lot of islands to explore sounds interesting at first but the issue is that they are almost all the same, I mean sure some are one of a kind however the others just look the same and lack "identity”. What I mean by this is that if you take Seiren from VIII for example you got a whole lot of unique places to discover and here there is no such thing.

The boat part is meh, the islands aren’t even at the good scale when you play, like you encounter a small version that look ASS (yeah I know Falcom small company but come on AC Black Flag on PS3 didn’t have this issue) and I won’t mention the fights but since it’s not a major part of the game it’s okay I guess ?

Also overall the OSTs are kinda weak compared to other games but there are some very good tracks so I won't complain about that, and the cutscenes are really great especially during fights that’s the best cutscenes Falcom has done until now I'm really shocked about this fact even though Ys doesn’t get as much budget as Trails.

Now let's talk about the best part which is the fights, even in nightmare they are not that hard if you don’t play like shit, maybe a little bit too easy but inferno really punishes you really hard, anyways damn its fucking fast paced no more type weakness thing just Adol and Karja that you can switch with ease to connect attacks, unlike the previous games the guard here is essential, if well timed it gives you slight advantages and the combi mode with joint attacks is needed too to break shield for boss fights, I FUCKING LOVE IT THATS THE BEST IDEA THEY HAD IN A WHILE. The only thing I would complain about the fights is that even if your guard will break if you time it wrong, you can pretty much go back asap in guard so a gauge for the guard would’ve been a good thing.


Cool story and characters, but the gameplay is just AWFUL

Awesome VN, gameplay is finally somehow enjoyable and the plot is definitely more engaging by adding a share amount of new world elements and major issues to resolve so its way more ambitious than before, while keeping the funny tone that the two previous games had setted. Despite being despicable I loved when Rance shined as a strategist like everyone was chokbar de bz, Aizel was really a good character too but I wanted to see more of him they left me on my hunger fr fr. Besides that overall the art is great and they choosed nice voice actors but Rance-kun is only dubbed during fights thats such a shame...also I wasn't expecting anything from the OST but I was really surprised by some and especiallly the final fight one. Rovert might be the funniest character he truly is the GOAT

Once you get the grip of how the game works it goes fine but I just don't like it.Plus those fucking ass random events that can ruin your party if you didn't do shit X or Y at the beginning of the game fuck im never touching this again

plain garbage, awful dungeons, not soul just ugly and kinda boring even if new world elements are introduced.

This review contains spoilers

Average game, start was slow but by chapter 2 it became interesting and everything that followed up was really good. The biggest weak points of the game are obviously the chapter 3 even tho it got good moments the pace was just horrible and the game as a whole feels like a DLC or an 1.5 game because the plot of the arc didn't advance that much and that fucking 8th genesis could've been included into the first game instead of just having to chase it and retrieve back 7 genesis in that infamous chapter 3. And what the hell was that time travel ability that appears out of nowhere, it kinda ruins the game because you know that even if they fuck up they'll be back and take dumb decisions again (Shizuna blowing up on purpose was funny tho). And the final was insane what a good fight and big revelations I'm expecting a lot for Kuro 3 FALCOM DONT MISS

Absolute peak, Takumi is just like me, characters route are kinda meh and you can't really grow affection for said characters

Only did Asuka and Misaki route and not planning to read the others (at least not now for Mashiro), astonishing visuals, surprisingly a fair amount of CG for the FC matchs and cool story. I think the characters routes are too short compared to the common route, or the common route is too long but it's not well balanced, OST is great but lacks diversity and you end up listening to the same 6 for the whole VN. Romance is cute but it goes too fast and you get a lot of timeskip where I would have enjoyed to see characters interactions instead, however they did great with H content especially Misaki ??? Also cool parallel between Asuka and Misaki, the two of them grow in different ways, one by having fun and the other by being frustrated and you feel it in their routes and characters. Misaki's route goes more in depth into the MC but unfortunately the final is not as good as Asuka's. Side characters like Shindo and Satouin are cool but Ichinose is garbage even though she's one of the 4 heroines.

Worst of all time. Trench of the medium. Denunciation of media. Dirt standard of storytelling. Bottom of creativity. Bedrock of invention. Foot of ingenuity. Underbelly of imagination. Nadir of innovation. Worst of the worst. Failure among failures. Abyss fiction. Awful Camera. Shitty boss, good soundtrack tho but overall garbage

raw peak fiction zenith of the medium vortex of all creation hall of media