Great! Biggest issue I had is the fighting becoming a bit stale after a while (which i can only assume will be fixed in 2 since miles has goated combat) and the gadgets just not being to interesting

My review got deleted probably because i was too aggro lol sorry about that.

Anyways this update is what I've wanted from Sonic and it's probably my favorite 3d experience since SA2, definitely my favorite past heroes. To all the people complaining about difficulty I genuinely implore you to explore the difficulty options.
In my last post someone commented about the easy difficulty not dealing with people's issues, which is just wrong. Unless I am mistaken people have issues with
-The towers (springs, balloons, pads and more are added in easier modes)
-The trials (damage and health are affected by difficulty so they will be objectively easier)
-The Elder Coco Trial (In easy and normal the window for perfect parry is much much bigger, alongside damage and health changes. If you still have trouble the stomp in this game is op as shit so abuse that)
-The final boss (again the parry window is changed drastically alongside the normal difficulty changes)

With these in mind I loved my time on hard mode, aside from changing it for the elder coco and final boss challenges because frankly I am not good enough to do the hard mode perfect parry. The towers were fun challenges and made me actually struggle like I haven't done since 100%ing SA2. A game having challenge on the hardmode difficulty is not an issue, and you don't see people complaining in games like Celeste which add an insane challenge for more story content, especially considering the fact that there are actually difficulty options in this game.

It isn't all great with this DLC however. The frontiers issues I had before still apply mostly, with the addition of the spin dash being a massive saving grace. My favorite parts of the base game were the cyberspace levels and these ones fucking killed it so so so happy to have these. My biggest issue is probably the new characters. They feel sort of shallow and in some cases (knuckles) way worse to play than previous versions. Frankly you are going to play as sonic most of this DLC, so I was able to just look past them and see it as fun bonus content (which it is) hopeful that this is setting a good baseline they can work off of in the next game.

Genuinely fantastic.

Game is fantastic bogged down by a few small grievances. Love the building system that feeds into creativity of the player, fusion is fun if a bit limited, my biggest issue is the final act dragging.

EDIT: everyone else became cpus and i won so maybe the game is good

Writing this like 80% (20+ hours) through a game cause theres like a 70% chance we don't finish it. This game is awesome but is an insane example of how luck and edge cases in video games can ruin an experience.
In an hour long game of monopoly or mario party if you get extremely unlucky you are unhappy for a bit then it's whatever. In a 20+ hour RPG version of fortune street if you get unlucky the entire game you're just wasting time. Our game was an extreme edge case. Just for a few examples, Darkling had occured 7 times in the game and 3 of those times had acclumated more than 100 points. One of our teammates was a spellsword (33% chance to reflect field magic) and was squalled 14 times at a minimum of 53% each time, 10 times he dodged, 3 times he reflected, one time it hit. One of us was fighting a lich as 10 levels overleveled, went last 6 times in a row and was instantly killed by banish. Things like these are funny in one instance but just kept happening.
This is what CAN happen if your game is as luck based as dokapon. Most people will have a generally normal and balanced experience, but on that edge case where 2 people are constantly getting screwed over, one is getting screwed over a decent bit, and one is literally untouchable, nobody is having fun unless you can just laugh it off and play starfy on your other monitor.
Alongside these issues literally the only way to come back from last and stay ahead in this game is to kick other people when they are down. If you have strategy against darkling you can just hide and take the towns when its over. Field magic can completely shut down one person forever if they have a chance to come back. We joke about how doing this shit is cringe but the only way the game is playable for any of us is to screw the other people over, which is not fun when it adds up over twenty hours.
I was loving this game and genuinely if it was like 30% less luck based it might be perfect. But as it stands it's just opened my eyes a bit to why games are phasing out luck more and more

This game is very fun with friends and with mods and i love california girels