this port sucks ass. the online was shit, the game itself wass really buggy, it requires Ubisoft connect to even play it on PC and its just a really bad port.

now the game itself was pretty fun! im not a huge beat em up sucker but i enjoyed my time. The visuals were amazing and very faitful to the source material, the soundtrack is a real bop for sure. even though the game itself is great the low quality of this port makes me bring it down

a classic puzzle game that takes the simple concept of portals and makes you use them in pretty good ways

the start was so dissapointing, almost thought this game was gonna be a slog to go through, but im so glad i sticked to it
its gameplay was the weakest part. the story was its strongest part, love it so much, the plot doesnt feel very mario-esk, but even still i think this will be one of those game i wont forget.

i love Nastastia

my second favorite Touhou. really good even if it lacks some of the qol changes from modern touhou. (Especially the viewable hitbox fron Touhou 7 onward) soundtrack is great

Really fun 3D platformer with a neat story, fun art, fun characters and great movement. Only complaint is that it felt too short (without the DLC) either way, very strong recommend if you like Mario 3D platformers or just platformers in general

pretty good, controls and stuff are an improvement over the first.
some of the caves can suck balls tho.

the story was great, fun dialogue great characters, the game bugged out and didnt get to do one of the Golden exclusive dungeons so i had to look that up on youtube. final boss was kinda easy. Chie the GOAT.

its Puyo Puyo. But improved.
Introducing the Offset rule, Giving you a bit of a bounceback against the Garbage Puyo getting sent your way is a great addition. Alongside the All-Clear Bonus and Double Rotation making their intros in this game. which all became staples of the series going forwards. The soundtrack in this version is also better than the Genesis, Arcade and Saturn versions i don't make the rules (i do)

such a huge improvement over JSR
i did have a hard time cause i sucked and got stuck but most of the game was a blast, The OST, the Visuals, the movement, all amazing, that Final boss was unhinjed but really unique aswell.


Really fucking good game. the emotion system introducing that rock-paper-scissors aspect to the combat that other games have done, but in its own unique way. the artsyle being hand done on paper gives it a artstyle that it can call its own. the dream sections dragged at times but i didnt mind it. the characters and story can fuck you up.

i just cant get enough of this game

felt like i was fighting the controls the whole time, lost my save because the game didnt tell me how to save my progress, the music and style are stile timeless for sure and were the things keeping me from quitting so it isnt all bad