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Rating 5.8/10 - Bad

Doom 3 starts off fine for the most part. You're in a mars station with little visual distinction between areas but the lighting and high quality models and assets (for the time) still make the place cool to look at. The weapons are mediocre and the shotgun is horrible but the enemy design is decent. The game isn't scary but at least manages to keep a consistent atmosphere.

It's not all bad... at the start. That's when repetitiveness settles in and the game's length turns this into a slog.

The more you play, the more the problems become apparent and the lack of enemy variety starts being noticeable, as well as the very clear comparisons to half-life and how this game falls short in comparison.

Doom 3 is a game I can only recommend to people who want to experience the history of FPS games or people who really want to try all Doom games. Otherwise, don't bother.