Rating: 7.3/10 - Good

I admire what this game is trying to do in terms of mechanics and gameplay loop, but it's a stealth game where the police doesn't pose a significant treat due to poor AI and path finding and there's no quick save to protect you from the unexpected or allow you to experiment with the mechanics without the fear of screwing your perfect heist.

Rating: 7.7/10 - Pretty Good

Not a fan of the platforming sections but the physics are pretty good and consistent. A bit too long. Good story.

Rating: 7.4/10 - Good

I like the gameplay loop but the game is quite grindy and repetitive. The cars control quite well, so there's that!

Rating: 8.7/10 - Great

One of the greatest action games of all time. The amount of style, effort and soul at display is just staggering. Fuck that worm boss fight tho, boring as shit.

Rating: 6.1/10 - Ok

Not bad, just kinda boring.

Rating: 8/10 - Great

Crazy that they got it so right the first time around. My only issue comes with the final boss design, the bad dialog and the fixed camera angles and none of those are upsetting enough to me.


Rating 7.5/10 - Pretty Good

Great platforming and soundtrack. It does get repetitive after a while however.

Score 7.6/10 - Pretty good

Cocoon is the type of game that I wanted to see after Inside and Limbo, and while I don't think that it's as good as those two, I still quite enjoyed it.

To me the real mark of a puzzle game is dependent on it crossing the line of making puzzles feel like busy work. Where you know exactly what you want/have to do but due to the way the mechanics are set up, you have to slowly see your character move to set up the puzzle and then complete it. Cocoon only crosses that line twice and that happens by the end of the game where it's more understandable, as the player is given more things to juggle, but for the vast majority of the 4 hour length of the game, Cocoon makes the act of completing puzzles pretty much automatic as half of them are done even before the player realizes that they have finished them.
This is not to say that the game is easy, but to say that it's so good at teaching its mechanics that utilizing them to cross obstacles becomes second nature.

The only reason why I can't give it a better score finds itself in the fact that the world of Cocoon is not as interesting as Limbo or Inside. This is something completely subjective, but in my opinion, the ending didn't quite stick the landing in generating as much intrigue and sense of reward as the previous two.
Another reason comes in the form of the lackluster final boss, one that happens to be the worst and only bad one in a list of fairly strong designs.

Rating 4.5/10 - Really Bad

The worst Game I think I've ever played.

Rating: 8.6/10 - Great

Peak COD experience.

Rating: 7.5/10 - Pretty Good

This one has a bad reputation for ditching the survival horror elements and not making a lot of use of the physics mechanics, but honestly, I didn't really miss those elements that much.
I still like the first Amnesia better, since it's more tense and scarier, but Machine for Pigs does have a better story and I like the art direction quite a bit. Go give it a try.

Score: 7.4/10 - Good

Despite the fact that the inventory limitations just damage this game a lot for me, I still enjoyed it quite a bit.
Good puzzles and visuals.

Rating 7.7/10 - Pretty Good

This game is frustrating because at so many points it gets close to being an 8 or a 9. Its insistence upon sending enemies that can kill the player in one hit constantly and the unsatisfying ending really brings this down.
that said, the positives such as, the creativity on display, the visceral combat, the well crafted atmosphere and interesting challenges make this worth playing.

Rating 5.8/10 - Bad

Doom 3 starts off fine for the most part. You're in a mars station with little visual distinction between areas but the lighting and high quality models and assets (for the time) still make the place cool to look at. The weapons are mediocre and the shotgun is horrible but the enemy design is decent. The game isn't scary but at least manages to keep a consistent atmosphere.

It's not all bad... at the start. That's when repetitiveness settles in and the game's length turns this into a slog.

The more you play, the more the problems become apparent and the lack of enemy variety starts being noticeable, as well as the very clear comparisons to half-life and how this game falls short in comparison.

Doom 3 is a game I can only recommend to people who want to experience the history of FPS games or people who really want to try all Doom games. Otherwise, don't bother.

Rating: 6.5/10

Pretty fun to look at but the AI doesn't hold up at all.
Fun multiplayer if you have friends to play with but single player is rough.