"barbie is one of those shitty games"

Great little puzzle game! The game is full of personality and the vibe it gives off makes you want to experiment and solve problems in unconventional ways. It can get tough sometimes and it will probably piss you off, but it'll piss you off in a way that makes you want to keep playing. It's the type of game where you'll get stumped for a while so you go to take a nasty dump and while you're wiping your ass the solution to the level comes to your mind. Then you hurry back and do it and it feels awesome.

High recommendation, especially for puzzle game fans.

They're back in town
You need to pee
That is so crazy
What the fuck?
You need to pee
You call the Ghostbusters
They extract it!
There was ghosts
In your bladder
What the fuck?

you need to take the pee
crazy ghost peepee
that is insanity

Use their machine
To hook it up
To your dick
It hurts?
When they activate it to remove ghosts?

I did that all from memory what the fuck is wrong with me

This review contains spoilers

What's with these Windows Movie Maker-ass transitions? The game is beautiful otherwise. I highly advise playing with headphones unless you want to hear your poor Dreamcast's disc reader try to kill itself. Huge props to the folks responsible for the English patch. I find it unfortunate that the subtitles had a hard time getting out of overscan.

That aside this game kinda sorta sucks. I'm not gonna rate it because I just don't have the suitable experience to critique a game in this genre but by god is this game boring. The devs seemed to take cues from the Devil May Cry 2 book so they could make the most deliberately flaccid way to hit things in a video game. This is a shmup where shooting enemies is lame. That says it all right there. I have no problem with this game wanting to be a more theme park-ey take on Cotton where you ogle at beautiful scenery as you mindlessly destroy everything in your path. Thankfully, they did get the big mood you need for this kind of game right. Rainbow Cotton delivers on the visual and auditory pedigree of previous entries while adapting it to a laid-back 3D game flawlessly. It's just a shame that they didn't figure to put that same amount of effort into the game itself.

Also that ending sure was avant-garde. The way it explores the concept of candy and the lengths one may truly go to satiate their appetite and the false belief that these innocent treats will save us. We naturally associate candies with a simpler time, when we didn't have to face the struggles of hunger. It excellently demonstrates how manipulative candy manufactures are. I wasn't expecting such a thoughtful commentary on consumerism in a game that seemed so innocent.

If Elf Bowling is an SSS on my patented* "Elf Video Game for Game Boy Advance Tier List," then Elf: The Movie is a middling C. I thought you were better than this, Will Ferrell.

Tong Poo sounds like a fake asian name by a racist person

Huge round of applause to everyone responsible for this hack! Gaming communities are such a blessing, I'm so happy that people are willing to go out of their way to do something like this. It's Cool!

It uses the same siren sound effect from Sonic Adventure 2 and that drives me nuts. Once you notice it you can't un-notice it.

Okay... what the fuck is this? Basically Tecmo saw it necessary to remake Dead or Alive 2, which is a game that could already pass for a 6th generation release, with the graphics engine of a newer game. But, like, this isn't even really a remake. There was a cutscene they tried to redo but the stage it was in is completely different from the original. It's just so odd. This doesn't feel much like DOA2 at all. The character roster is the same I think, but everything else is basically a new game. As a game on it's own, this is pretty great. I just really wish they'd label it as something else. I'm guessing this was mainly made for the online component, so it should've been called "Dead or Alive Online" or something, because as-is this is pretty misleading. All it really does is turn off players who don't usually like remakes.

Also that new opening made me laugh out loud. Whoever decided to play the Dream On song over a melodramatic scene of anime lolis deserves a serious raise.

Lots of fun. I personally prefer Dead or Alive but I can see why some swear by Virtua Fighter 2.

The definitive "bad day game" so you can feel better about yourself

Played on Sega Saturn via the Sonic Jam compilation.

It’s always seemed odd to me that Sonic 3 is the fan favorite when, in many ways, it is the least exemplary game of what Sonic actually represents, at least out of the trilogy. In the process of pushing the supplementary elements to their peak, I can’t help but feel that it lost a bit of what made the previous games special in the first place.

Stages are now more segmented than before, stressing the core facets of Sonic in set increments based on what the game wants you to experience at any given point. And that isn’t a bad thing at all in and of itself, but it creates a strange mismatch between the loosey-goosey mechanics that are meant to be stretched in wide-open stages with several different ways of traversing them and the new more fixed way the levels are designed. And no, having a bunch of different pathways doesn’t exonerate the game of this, because those pathways don’t naturally lead in and out of each other in ways that dynamically interact with the mechanics. They just sort-of… exist for their own sake. They exist to make the characters feel more distinct from each other and to stress the inherent enjoyment of exploring, which is fine! I’m just trying to say that it doesn’t feel like Sonic in the same way the other games do. Take Mushroom Hill for example. You can move around the stage in a lot of ways, but they aren’t systemic; they don’t naturally interact with the mechanics. You go fast because the game has taught you to go fast at these specific times and you explore because the game has taught you to explore at this specific time. Compare this to Emerald Hill, where most paths offer gameplay that is fit to purpose for their location and naturally lead to each other.

I think that because of this, Sonic 3 is much more focused on the situational interactions, which, again, is perfectly fine. But, again, it isn’t really fit for a game that plays like this. Launch Base is a fun zone because you speed through these amazing setpieces and roll under lasers. Lasers are cool! My point here is that it is fun because of what it is on its own, and not because Sonic is in it. It is often elevated by fantastic narrative design that naturally weaves the player through a believable world full of super impressive sights and some of the best sounds produced on the Genesis. Sonic 3 is a well above average platformer that stands its ground, but the definitive Sonic experience? Not a chance. I hope this doesn’t piss anyone off. When I was younger this was like my favorite game ever but, well, people change. It was probably a good thing that I had distanced myself from these games for a bit. While I’ve played them so much in the past that I still remember them thoroughly, the time has allowed me to re-evaluate how I really feel about them.

It's been forever since I've played most of the X games and I've hardly touched the PS2 ones so I decided to play through the whole series. The whole experience has been very interesting, X1, X2, and X4 are some of my favorite games but having hardly played the others it was fascinating to see where the series went. It's just... I haven't yet internalized the fact that I'm playing the next game...

you know maybe I should call this off actually I'm getting a little exhausted. like maybe I should go on vacation or something or see a doctor or something just spitballing. I mean maybe my PS2 isn't working so I can't play it I mean I could always not play the game you know that sounds nice I mean like I can try alcohol that seems like fun maybe

What is the point of a rhythm game where the gameplay is completely unrelated to the music? Isn't the fun of this sort-of game the fact that you are performing music? They could have just as well put the crazy bus soundtrack in the background and it wouldn't change a thing. It's a shame too because some of the music is really good but even then most of it is just lifted from older Puyo Puyo or Madou Monogatari albums. Maybe a game like this could work if the music was actually designed around the game but, well, it isn't. Oh well. The character designs are cute, at least.

Imagine how awesome it would be if all the time and effort spent on this was instead allocated to an actual Mega Man X game as opposed to a piece of shit gacha game. I will never understand why they would try to revive a franchise this way. If you just make a new game that appeals to fans while doing new things, as if it was released after the last main entry without a long break, then people will be satisfied and the game will do well! Capcom themselves did this with Devil May Cry 5 and look how that turned out!