The start of my love for Tekken. Jin was the best thing ever to happen.

Boy they sure ruined Samus' image with this game XD

Amazing storytelling. Jin is my new best boy on par with Ryuji!
Also Soma is the creepiest thing ever in this game.


Well at least it's not a poor mans excuse of a 10 minute DLC like the previous episodes and we get an ACTUAL dlc experience.

Just play a better gacha game, like Dissidia Opera Omnia

This game has survived for over a decade is still the worst thing ever like wtf

I got this for free from my older brother in a giveaway and having played it myself, it begs the question...
What made this game so good back then?
It feels lackluster now cuz let's be honest there's WAY more mobility and gameplay focus on Diablo 3 than in this.
I don't want to offend the PC overlords/snobs who played this nonstop back in early 2000s but please do admit, this game has lost some of its charm. It's okay to play but it still feels lackluster.

Death Stranding: You Are/Can(Not) Alone/Advance/Redo + 3.0 + 1.0

Really captures the feeling of the movies and somehow made the 4th movie more tolerable by removing the shitty parts of the kids.
Also I love the free roam in this.

Only got slightly more interesting. Sephiroth is still VERY boring.
But hey Uematsu out here slapping with these new tunes tho!

Just like the other FF7 side stuff, the side content is much better than the main game.

Good lord they outdid themselves with the sequel. This is a definitive creepy entry. A lot of the files you find really implement a wtf factor in your head everytime and the ghosts in this are creepy as hell. (Except dropping lady who is just hilarious lmao)

A creative first entry. Really knows how to put the fear around you with the atmosphere.

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