One of the best written games I've ever played, complimented with a fantastic performance by Matthew Poretta as Alan Wake. The flashlight mechanic was a really fun twist on combat in a horror game which usually splits into melee or gunplay. My biggest complaint is that the movement is pretty clunky, almost like it couldn't decide if it wanted to have tank or analog controls. This, along with the janky camera, made some combat encounters frustrating. I'd gladly go through it all again to re-experience the narrative. If Alan Wake 2's narrative is just as solid and it improves on the gameplay it will likely be my personal GoTY.

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While I absolutely loved this game, it could have been so much more. The copy/pasted cutscenes with each Sage was a huge misstep. They spent a year on quality control but couldn't think of a way to adapt the cutscenes based on completion order? The lack of dungeons is particularly frustrating. While the Temples were far more enjoyable than the Divine Beasts, once I understood that each one would consist of 4-5 puzzles with a boss at the end really took the wind out of my sails. The Depths, while super fun to explore at first, became tedious with its lack of unique quests and enemies. The Sky Islands, while offering some more variety in its activities, were also disappointing. I know it would have been an insane undertaking to flesh out all three areas as much as the main land, but plopping down a few unique quests in each would have added a lot. That being said, there is so much to love about this game (the soundtrack!), and I wouldn't have spent nearly 300 hours with it if I thought otherwise. I just hope Zelda moves on from the open world format after this.

If this would have gone through some level of quality control - this would be the best new mainline Pokemon game in years. Basically loved every new Pokemon, they granted a new level of experimentation with the way moves and TMs are handled, the rehashed story got a bit of a facelift, and the differences between the two titles went further than just "different legendary." Unfortunately the game runs terribly, looks bad, and is the buggiest entry I've ever played. Battles felt incredibly sluggish, and considering battling is the focal point of the gameplay it really put a damper on the experience. Also, Tera raids should be fun but an intense multiplayer experience can turn into immense frustration when the game lags but the timer keeps running!