This is also on PC, where I played it.

Probably one of the best games I've ever played. Came out during the height of everything being a Souls-like, this game isn't really a soulslike at all, though. It has a vast depth to the combat, and it's brutally difficult. Imagine something more along the lines of Ninja Gaiden, which makes sense considering who developed this.

I've fully completed this game, and it clocked me in at about one hundred hours. I'm happy this company has made so many games in this style. Nioh might be the most basic of them all, but it's still a wonderfully deep game with a wealth of content on offer for the most daring, and the most patient.

YIKES. Genuinely a scam. Huge paywalls, predatory monetization, and lackluster mechanically. You may have seen the aggressive, over-sexualized advertising for this. Generally a bad sign!

As a metroidvania fan, this is one of the best ever made. Admittedly, my fascination with bugs pushes this over the top for me. Genuinely a must play.

Underrated and overlooked by "Castlevania Purists" (gay people) but I'm not only stronger, but gayer than them, and this game fucking rocks. If you need proof of my homoerotic tendencies, look to the examples listed. My Gabriel fanfiction with Patrick Stewart (yes, he's in this game), but also the SHITTY dlc boss my boyfriend had to beat for me. (he is autistic.) Anyway, I think this is a great game and somewhat sub-par reboot, with some fresh ideas I would have loved to see expanded upon. I'm going to ignore that this has a sequel, though.

It's kinda fun for 26 minutes. Then it's like, why aren't you just playing Terraria right now?

Everything around this game makes it so, so difficult to love. The constant balance changes, bugs from launch still plaguing me, every time you look there's some recent controversy happening. (Sony, as of right this second.) What is here is ultimately fantastic, and I haven't had such fun with friends in a long while.

Not to sound like a loser, but it really does make you FEEL like John Wick.

Fun, addicting, flashy and rewarding. Lot of content if you enjoy the raw gameplay.

Something I come back to fairly often. Fun, tense, rewarding, meticulously tweaked for a fantastic experience. Comes with a stipulation; that learning curve. That and you'll probably need to troll around in the discord for advice and questions.