Improves the first game at everything. Really good dlc too. World got huge. Had alot of factions which all felt unique. Played this a lot

Like the setting but it felt to little compared to the endless potential. Glad the next parts delivered

The best setting and time period with good battles but it wasted alot of its potencial. Game felt really big at firdt but then you felt it really wasnt and judt looked big. Really ambitious but didnt live up to the hype. Still glad it brought me back to the franchise.

Good successor. Have played it for countless hours. But it isnt as amazing for its time as rome 1. Still had a lot of fun and seeing the world of rome 1 be bigger with so many new factions was amazing. Definitely an improvement but not as much as i expected i guess.

Amazing real-time strategy game. Still is a lot of fun. My childhood. Also had really fun campaign.

Best strategy game of its time. My childhood. Started my love for history which still continues to this day.

Best pokemon game. Best ost. Best pokemon. Best region. Best champ. Fixes almost every problem of diamond. Is not sloe anymore and balances stuff out. Also adds a ton of new content especially the giratina world which was amazing. Also my childhood. Still has a pretty weak story and characters but thats to be expected. Its pokemon. But the villain and champ are still pretty interesting

Best pokemon gen. Great new pokemon best worldbuild with great routes and towns. This version has a few flaws tho.
Its very slow nit balanced well. Oh and the best pokemon soundtrack. My childhood.

Its pokemon. Pretty interesting antagonist and new pokemon. Dont like switch to 3d and the region that much tho.

Good lore and interesting worldbuilding for pokemon game. Not that good pokemon tho but still its pokemon so its fun

Fun with the character creation and the hub world, but really boring story and stale gameplay

Amazing game for the time. Favourite game as a kid. The amount of fun i had is incredible

Looks and sounds really good but is not as fun as other games and doesnt feel as interesting as bf 1

Looks and feels amazing. Gameplay is not as fun and varied as the other games tho. Still really cool time period

Basically the same as 3 but was not as amazing for the time