Such a good game. Very basic but thats what i liked about it. Its very similar to the first dragon quest but better. I cant believe a game from 1987 has such great sense of adventure. I absolutely love the way the world opens up slowly while easing you into it.

Like the region design, but not the water routes. Pokemon are nice. Story is bland as always. Delta episode was fine. Game was pretty easy besides top 4 and champ.

Cool puzzles and world design. Combat pretty stale. A little repetetive story but cool beginning and end with zelda and link focus. And cool little plottwist at the end.

Fun fighting game. Lame story and Fight get dull after a while.

Story gets more interesting with interesting villains making their appearance. But disney world just feel outta place and a chore. Also new fighting system was not my cup of tea.

Artstyle and music is pretty good. Gameplay is fun. World is a litlle bland with shallow worldbuilding and areas. Story is alright but gets repetetive after all you just cycle through the characters storys with no real connection between them or the world.

Really cool game. Gameplay very floaty but still very fun bossfight and interesting story and universe.

fun concept, but thats about it

very fun as a kid. dont remember much

Fun riddles. Story had a good concept but was too short and ended abruptly.

Very unique game. Loved trying to piece cases together in my head. First 2 cases were pretty weak tho. Late cases got pretty long and better

Fun world and atmosphere. Story was alright. Gameplay was fun but got boring later on

Very fun world to explore. Ship combat was fun. Looked good and huge world was interesting. Story was alright.

So addicting in tbe beginning but list interst after playing thorugh all the content. Not interested anymore. Looks and sound good tho and combat is also fun

Fun in the beginning. Not that much later. Lost interest