Such a good game. Very basic but thats what i liked about it. Its very similar to the first dragon quest but better. I cant believe a game from 1987 has such great sense of adventure. I absolutely love the way the world opens up slowly while easing you into it.

Peak fiction. This where alot of the slower character introduction and world building from the first game pays. Has one of the most emotional moments in media history and amazing ost and fun gameplay. Best story and characters.
Perfect sequel to game 1.

Peak fiction. Amazing ost. Some of the best character work ever. So many hints for the future of the franchise and worldbuilding details. So much unanswered question of the first 2 games get answered in this game and one of the most emotional endings ever. Every character gets so much development .Peak fiction

The beginning of the greatest gaming franchise ever. Beginning is a little slow and introduces to the world and characters. Love the charm of the game and it feels so nostalgic cuz this is where it all began. Towards the end game gets very interesting and the ending ist still one of the most shocking moments ever. Just great introduction to the Trails frahchise.

really fun game. sense of adventure was really fun. also like the way the world looks. guild wars 3 when???

Good successor. Have played it for countless hours. But it isnt as amazing for its time as rome 1. Still had a lot of fun and seeing the world of rome 1 be bigger with so many new factions was amazing. Definitely an improvement but not as much as i expected i guess.

Was so hyped for this game. The trailer looked amazing. It looked like the first triple A One Piece game. Sadly the open was was very boring with almost nothing to do and very lifeless. The originial story was also not interesting and to top it all off the combat so incredibly boring. Too ambitious of a project with clearly not enough time and resources to fully realize. Looked good tho.

Artstyle and music is pretty good. Gameplay is fun. World is a litlle bland with shallow worldbuilding and areas. Story is alright but gets repetetive after all you just cycle through the characters storys with no real connection between them or the world.

Cool puzzles and world design. Combat pretty stale. A little repetetive story but cool beginning and end with zelda and link focus. And cool little plottwist at the end.

Amazing real-time strategy game. Still is a lot of fun. My childhood. Also had really fun campaign.

Fun gameplay with challenging bosses. Amazing music as always by falcom.
Pretty shot and not very interesting story or characters

Cool concept and alright characters but doesnt go deeper. And gameplay is a little tedious and just alright.

Loved the campaign when i was little.

Amazing remake. Love the graphics and all the extra stuff they added.
But they made the game way more easy and random encounters are gone.