Sonic Frontiers is a bit messy, but overall it's pretty good. Compared to Forces and Lost World, I'd much rather play this any day.

I think the story is good! A huge step up in writing from some of the previous Sonic titles in the past few years. I won't say much else since there's a lot of mystery involved here in the story.

To describe the gameplay as simply as possible, you control Sonic and blast through open world areas filled with platforming challenges with a shit ton of collectables to grab. These collectables all help towards getting chaos emeralds which unlock the boss fights you need to beat to progress the story. I find these open world areas to be really fun! I especially love the final island you go to. Sonic controls well here, and you can change how he plays however you want in the options. They give you a lot to work with. If you want to play through linear levels, there are the cyberspace stages. They're fine, but short. Not much challenge to find here.

The music is alright. Before any updates for the game came out the soundtrack mostly consisted of solemn piano music that wasn't very memorable. The cyberspace levels and boss fights had the only memorable tracks but you don't spend that much time in either. After the first update, they added a jukebox which contained a bunch of classic music from previous titles. It's a neat addition, and you can even find more music out in the world to collect!

Overall, Sonic Frontiers is a good Sonic game! I think if you spend too long on an island collecting everything you can get bored quickly. Feel free to not collect everything you see and just progress the story if you feel that's the case. The game hands you a bunch of stuff without you really needing to put in much effort, especially in the fishing minigame, but perhaps you could say that's another issue itself.

I don't really know what to say about this free dlc. It's just more Sonic Frontiers. You run around, collect stuff, beat cyberspace levels, upgrade, etc. The big hook here is that Amy, Tails, and Knuckles are all playable here!

The story is basically an alternate "what if" scenario of what happens on the final island in the original game. Many people didn't like how the original game wrapped up, and while I didn't mind it, I think it could have had room for some improvement. This dlc aims to solve that with a new final boss and finale as well as more involvement with Sonic's friends in the story. To be honest, I don't know which finale I prefer. The original, or the one here in the dlc. At the very least, Sega left enough room for both of these to be considered canon. I suppose it comes down to personal preference.

I don't know why everyone is up in arms about the difficulty here. I honestly found most of this to be fairly easy, and I was playing on hard. The towers were fun to climb, some of the trials were a good test of skill, and the cyberspace levels are much better here then they are in the original game. I think Amy, Tails, and Knuckles are all fun to play. I see what people mean by Knuckles gliding here, but I got used to it after a bit. Special shoutout though to Master King Koko. He's the only thing in this dlc that I will admit is actually bullshit in difficulty. Don't be ashamed to switch to easy for his trial.

That's really it. If you liked base Sonic Frontiers, chances are you will like this. I certainly did!

I'm surprised I didn't like this one more. I usually really like the Behemoth's games as well as strategy games, but something about this one just didn't stick with me like with Castle Crashers or Battleblock Theater. It's a good game, but it feels like it's lacking something.

The gameplay and combat is pretty slow. When you unlock more classes and characters is when it gets interesting but not by much. What's cool here is that the game is flexible enough to allow you to create a team consisting of any classes so you can do what you want. The main story battles introduced a lot of cool scenarios, but it feels like it's over before it even begins. After that, all that's left to do is many side quests and getting all the unlocks. There's tons, so you have lots to do if that's your thing. Personally, I was pretty much checked out after the main story ended and I did a few side quests after. I pretty much saw enough. Battles got way too easy. Mixing and mashing classes together to create wild teams and formations is fun at first but gets boring quick.

The music isn't really all the interesting here either. The only memorable tune was the song that played during a side quest where I was fighting robots in space or whatever.

If you like Behemoth and their games and humor, you'll probably like this. Not a bad game at all, but the weakest in their catalogue of really good games.

First off, shout out to my friend for lending me his copy of the game so I didn't have to pay 60 bucks for it. I was unsure if I would like this or not and he was kind enough to let me borrow it so I didn't have to spend anything.

This game is really good! It's my first Fire Emblem game and I enjoyed myself for a majority of it. I picked Dimitri's route when I played and the story kept me interested the whole way for the most part. I know Claude and Edelgard have their own stories that are fairly different, but as of right now, I got what I wanted out of this game. I'll probably come back and play them sometime in the future when I have my own copy of the game.

Gameplay is fun for the most part. I really like the battle system and being able to assign your students any class you want. This game gives you a lot of freedom and I love it for that. You can experiment all you like. I think the parts where you walk around the monastery and interact with all the students and professors were first. The more I had to do it, the more boring it got. You'll be doing the same things over and over at the monastery so get used to that.

Music is really good! The battle themes feel really grand and I got a few tunes stuck in my head. The final battle theme especially.

Few complaints. This game is really ugly. Very muddy and just not pleasing to look at in most areas. The support cutscenes and story cutscenes all look horrid because it's just a bunch of 3D models and on a blurry 2D background. It kinda made it hard to get invested in some scenes. I also wish there was more story events happening between the beginning and end of the months. Stuff like your classmates all hanging out together and doing stuff together would make them all feel more connected. They only really bond in support cutscenes and I feel like it could have been better. Finally, the ending after the final battle felt really anticlimactic after the final boss. It felt like it tried to wrap everything up way too quickly. No final goodbyes or anything.

Overall, a really good strategy game and one I am glad I played! I'll probably play the other games in the series at some point and even revisit this one later on.


(Byleth in Smash was still a dumb decision tho imo)

A childhood classic and as a huge Simpsons fan, this game is great. When this game released, the show was already past it's prime but there are some good jokes and visual gags throughout the game. It's surprising this game turned out as well as it did.

The gameplay is kinda just GTA but with the Simpsons plastered over it. If you're a fan of the show, you'll probably love it. You run around as the Simpsons, steal cars, and run over beloved characters. What's not to love? Okay, so some of the missions towards the second half of the game have pretty strict time limits. You know what though? Stop being a little wiener like Milhouse and get good.

This game has a really good soundtrack. Like, crazy good. Give it a listen if you don't wanna play the game because there are some bangers to be heard.

Overall, a very good game. If you're going for full completion, be prepared to grind for some coins. There's no easy way to earn them towards the end except by doing the same wager races over and over. The physics can also be wonky sometimes. These are pretty much my biggest complaints. Give this game a remaster or a remake already!

I now see why everyone wants a new F-Zero. This game kicks ass. Simply one of the best racing games out there.

This game is challenging but not in a way that makes you want to tear your hair out. At first you'll be bumbling around knocking into walls and falling off courses like mad, but when you get the hang of feels great to play. Playing through the story mode levels is addicting. You play it on the easiest difficulty first, and then when you unlock the harder versions you keep coming back to earn more rewards whether it be new racers or parts for a new car you can build yourself. The higher difficulties really test your skill, and when you conquer them, you feel like you're on top of the world. If you find the story mode too challenging, then switch to the grand prix. It still provides that same adrenaline fueled hype that you get in the story mode levels, but at a more manageable difficulty.

This game also absolutely oozes charm. If this is the result of Sega and Nintendo collaborating, they should do it more often. The characters and world of F-Zero are fun and I hope we get to see more of them someday. Each racer has their own backstory and reason for joining the grand prix, making the decision of who you play as a bit more personal. When you win a grand prix you also get to interview the character you played as and ask them questions, allowing you to learn even more about them. If you manage to win on the absolute highest difficulty, you get a special cutscene during the credits featuring your character as the star. It's things like this that make me love this game so much. I was switching constantly between racers during grand prix mode, just to see what each had to offer cause I wanted to know more about them.

The game has a killer soundtrack as well. Each character gets their own theme song, and each race track has a great theme to go along with it.

Just a really great game. If you can somehow convince some friends to play it with you, it makes for a really fun time. My only real complaint is that I wish you didn't have a life system in grand prix mode. Losing lives on higher difficulties and having to start all over because of a small mistake is pretty annoying. If you're emulating, don't be afraid to save state at the start of a race to save some time. Just a make new F-Zero almost exactly like this one and you're golden, Nintendo.

I have no idea why or when discussion of this game online became so vitriolic but here we are. Spider-Man 2 is a great game just like the first with some improvements to the movement and now you can play as both Peter and Miles. Fun!

Gameplay is largely the same as the first. The gadget system was overhauled into something a little more simplified. As said before, moving across the city is faster and easier. For those who felt like swinging mindlessly had no consequence in the first game, there's an option to turn on fall damage and whatnot in the options menu. That's...kind of it.

The story is good, but I don't think I was nearly as invested as I was in the first games story. The final act just kinda rushes through things with not a lot of room to breath. Some decisions regarding certain villains are also...questionable. I think rewriting some of it and having the game be just a bit longer could fix some it.

I guess to sum it up easily if you liked the first game or the Miles Morales spin off, you'll definitely like this one. You swing around as Spider-Man, beat up the baddies, and save the day. Bada bing bada boom. Hopefully in the third game they can spice it up just a liiiiitle bit more and create a truly perfect sequel.