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23 hrs ago

Dalaamclouds finished Quake
One of the earliest FPS in a full 3D environment, so of course it's groundbreaking! Being able to run over bridges, walk above and under each other, look up and down... even just JUMPING was considered pretty new and exciting thing to do in the genre to some players, especially for someone coming straight from Doom. Other games helped intergrate some of these things earlier than Quake, but Quake brought it all together and actually put it in a fully-3D environment rather than trying to emulate one.

The story is fun, and seems to be filled with the classic terror and suspense that FPS are so great for. The gun variety is fun to play around with, and the environments of all the chapters are pretty unique compared to eachother, playing with water, bridges, portals, and all that to help contrast one another. The thing that really makes Quake standout, in my opinion, is its 8-player online multiplayer option. The closest thing I can personally compare it to from before its release is Doom's deathmatch, but Quake's 3D environments and four additional battlemates makes it close to impossible to return to Doom. Of course, in the modern day, I could just go on Fortnite and play a shooter online against 99 random people (and I do!), but in comparison to what was available at the time, Quake was monumental. Here I am almost 30 years later still having a blast with my friend (Hi Roxy!!) trying to shoot each others faces off and grab the lightning gun before the other can attack with it first.

Check out Quake for a good boomer-shooter and a fun piece of gaming history. If you can gather seven friends, you'll have a hell of a good time.


23 hrs ago

23 hrs ago

chandler commented on esoteric_nebula's review of Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
as if that's even a footnote compared to the way it performed on switch

1 day ago

chandler commented on EndSky's review of Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
yea i mean that as a positive as well. level scaling was the achilles heel to this game's combat to begin with. what i'm saying is that if you find it too easy, you should fight less often

1 day ago

chandler commented on EndSky's review of Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
if you're playing on normal, that's your first mistake. level scaling is gone so now you can just focus on doing quests and killing shit significantly below your level - as any good smt game should be

1 day ago

chandler commented on turdl3's review of Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
wanted to add something else i've realized: i just took down the big lv 23 xuanwu at lv 15 in what was a significantly more stressful fight than hydra ever was. i'd encourage you to take advantage of the fact that there's no longer a level cap by grinding as little as possible - the game actually works even when enemies are more than 3 levels ahead of you now!

1 day ago

chandler commented on turdl3's review of Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
i haven't gotten to the next boss, but i will say that i've found myself only fighting regular demons (outside of doing quests) for the purpose of negotiating. i feel like thus far this game's been balanced around assuming you just wanna get straight to the point, which i'm cool with

1 day ago

chandler commented on turdl3's review of Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
having just beat hydra last night on hard, i think your criticisms are more a product of you understanding the way the game's designed above anything else. that much is clear from the fact that you knew to use dampeners, which is definitely v's biggest learning curve imo

personally i was a good 3 levels under that fight and yoko didn't serve much use to me there at all. heavy lifting was courtesy of chad warden, mermaid, azumi, daemon and neko shogun. didn't really seem worthwhile to have another party member using items when it'd have just meant fewer turn presses being used effectively

her having tarunda doesn't mean a whole lot to me either there seeing that i fought hydra before she unlocked it - but even so, lots of my demons already had access to it. neko shogun's got fang breaker, c-wizzy's had tarunda for a while - hell, i don't think yoko even had it by the time i did that fight. and i've been doing all the sidequests too. essences aren't hard to come by and i don't think those aogami ones are all that great either

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

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