I think the Hitman trilogy are my favourite games of all time, specifically the third since it includes the locations from all the previous games and new ones. The reason I love these games is how replayable they are, there are so many fun and unique ways you can take out your target and your not locked to a few choices or a specific path you can dispatch of your targets however you want. This is what makes the games super replayable and fun to play over and over. Another thing I love about these games is the level designs, the levels are very open and allow for a lot of room for you to plan and dispatch your targets, they also have many secrets and tons of items and NPCs who's outfits you can steal. Every single time I play a map I'm always finding a new area or a new room or item which I never knew about before. Overall I absolutely adore these games and I am sad IOI are taking a break from hitman and making a James Bond game, however I am excited to see where they take that franchise and if it's anything like the hitman games then count me in

This game for me was a 5/5 I loved every minute of it, this is my first resident evil and I absolutely loved it. The action and gunplay was brilliant and I just felt like a badass headshotting zombies and other weird creatures. The game also had difficulty to it even though I played on the standard difficulty. I really enjoyed the puzzles aswell I felt there were tricky but not tricky enough that I had to Google a tutorial every time I encountered a puzzle. I also really enjoyed the boss battles however I felt the final boss battle was a little underwhelming and was pretty easy in comparison to the others. Other than that though I really enjoyed this game, it had a simple story but not all games need a super complex story the main thing I loved about this game was how fun it was to play and I never got tired of the combat