6 reviews liked by InLikeTheRose

Wow this game surprised me!
I love the environment, the difference in areas and the whole theme of it being an abandoned theme park!

The enemies are eerie especially the lanky ones that kinda look like me ;)

The guns feel great to use! And the ammo system where you can kick vending machines or go back to bins that you didn’t find anything in before to give you ammo (as there isn’t any melee weapon until you get a B rank on your first playthrough, )so that you can progress is fantastic.

The puzzles can be a bit challenging especially the train one, that messed me up a lot, even chat couldn’t get it.

The save points I liked the feel of, all being centred around a fire and being cozy!

Characters were interesting, and added to the lore and plot of the game.

The optional bosses were different but felt way too easy if you had upgrades beforehand.

Ending was unexpected and definitely made me go “woah! Wtf!” 😂

Replay value I’d say 3 times, to play on the hardest difficulty and to do the crow hunt.

This really brought back memories of myself playing resident evil and Dino crisis back as a kid! So I applaud this studio! Please make more like this!

Some bad things about this was an achievement bugging out for me, that’s about it really lol!

This game looks incredible, tackles a serious subject, but I cannot get over how slow paced it is, how many "Corridor loads" there are or the fact the gameplay is essentially the same as the previous title. Shame really.

I collected 100 Milk Bottles, therefore I am the most environmentally clean person to have ever graced this so called game.
You are welcome Society. I saved you 100 Milk Bottle clean-up crew visits.
Ill wait for my cheque in the mail much love fam <3

I did enjoy this game! The Whole dismembering mechanic is fun and unique! But left me feeling overwhelmed with what I have gathered of an enemy!
Bosses were lacklustre and boring.

I found the whole level design shocking. Was lost all the time, some "Shortcuts" didn't even act as one.

Not to mention my trophy's were bugged because the game crashed at the very end and the same goes for the DLC Boss with the cat costume, I was fuming, instantly deleted it, despite only needing 5 more trophies, but who knows maybe in the future.

While I think adding a DLC in this type of game could be beneficial due to being able to customise difficulty, this falls sooooo flat!
I would have expected more unique enemies, more randomness to the enemies, AND BETTER BOS FIGHTS.
I found this way to easy. Bosses were a joke, some gimmicks like the sun were cool, the first time. and its a shame because the setting is actually interesting.
One thing I can say that is good about this DLC Is the HUB, it has points so you can essentially fast travel for the base game.

I got all trophies for this and my god getting some of the weapons were a joke, why do I have to mix and match difficulty multipliers and guess which ones to use. Yeah it wasn't much of a challenge, but it became monotonous and boring very VERY Quickly.

Id really only get this DLC for the HUB :)

While this game is impressive and rarely drops FPS, I cant help but want a better outcome when destroying bases of building etc, its a bit anticlimatic.
Sandbox is fun for a short while, but without unlocks I found myself bored, because to unlock more equipment you have to progress through the campaign mode which is sooo lacklustre, it had potential but it kept doing the same thing again and again, go here and collect these alarmed items and escape with a certain amount or all the items in 60 seconds.

The game is stunning though.