A bare-bones platformer at heart, this game is both fun and really not.
The levels are all built similarly, and the gameplay never extends further than "go here, attack this". It gets incredibly repetitive, with the major saving grace being that you don't have the ability to use all 3 gadget slots right off the bat, giving at least a small sense of difference.

However, the game essentially ends there. Getting 100% in this game requires minimal effort, as the only collectibles are these keys that you often just sort of find along your path - and for majority of the levels, you'll find yourself being able to blast through it, with little upgrades, and still end with everything needed.
There is no more to this game than this.

Stranger Things VR is an excellent little insight into the overall show, giving an explanation on how Vecna escaped from the Upside Down and showing his experiences there.

That being said, even speaking as someone only two chapters into the game, it is both disappointing and sort-of impressive.
Movement around the Upside Down feels quite fluid once you get the hang of it, however there is absolutely a learning curve as it feels finnicky as a first time player. While the game obviously scales back Vecna's abilities and general strength, you still get a decent feel of how it would be in his weird, goopy shoes as the powers demonstrated feel fantastic to use.

However, it is quite easy to get lost in the Upside Down. One particularly cool feature is being able to travel into other creatures' minds, however the lighting is all over the place, so much so that you start the game being unable to see details on a table due to how bright the area is, yet in these areas, it feels like a pitch black room where you're essentially crawling around on your hands trying to get a feel for an exit.

Overall, I've been rather enjoying my time with Stranger Things VR, but it is absolutely flawed. The price range is kind of accurate as paying more than £25 for this would definitely leave the feeling of a massive hole in your wallet.

Jusant has a rather lackluster and mostly non-existent story for people who do not collect the letters, however the game is a great way to just chill out, listen to the ambience and soundtrack, and have a good time. The ending makes little sense though, with the character we play as seemingly being stranded forever.

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Majority of the game lives up to the hype, but the final act is also disappointing. It steals directly from Web of Shadows, with Venom spreading massive tendrils and even nests all around the city, from building to building, as well as a pandemic of Symbiotes.

Nonetheless, it's fun and the Symbiote suit is a blast to play with. Even after playing Miles' own game and thinking that was better than Remastered, I find myself playing as Peter way more.
It's just that good.

I rather enjoyed this game, but the sprint bar sucks, and the gameplay consists of either endless repeated puzzles or hiding from one of three Velociraptors.
Not complaining too much about the latter though, Raptors are my favourite dinosaur.