GOD I LOVE THIS GAME!!! From the Soundtrack, to the Lore and the character writing, not to forget the WORLD BUILDING! Its so good, a must play for anyone who likes video games. Now, if you excuse me, i have to watch 9 Hours worth of Norse Mythology now.

7 Hours, really wasnt that good. I just wanted a Pokemon Experience on PC

Still play this game from time to time. Its pretty good and you can even play it with a Steering Wheel so i can only recommend it if you like racing games.

I LOVE SACRIFICING MY FRIENDS!!! Also id totally smash the Lamb.

Would play it more but i got kinda far, my internet cut out and all my progress got deleted which is unlucky.

I love Monkeys popping Ballons

Broooooom SCREECH Uh oh, i think thats a cop Ba Ding "You were going 120 in a 40 zone, 1k dillah fine"

Dogshit Game. Sure, i met one of my best friends here but still Dogshit Game.

I loved this game, beginning to end. Just cant be asked to 100% it because the challenges at the End are pretty time consuming. Still pretty good if you want a chill game.

I love killing people legally.

Ruined my life for quite some time.

I dont think i have to talk about this game. Just a masterpiece that i still play from time to time.

cant even play the damn game cuz it crashed every time that i try and play it.

Alright game. Only thing that pisses me off is that you can get every perk "for free" which is a complete LIE BTW. Unless you wanna wait a year for a Perk thats currently Meta youre gonna have to pay for the Character. Also, this game is a god damn Grind Fest. if you dont like Grinding in games, Dont play this.