72 Reviews liked by Intoner_Flowers

Im sad that this kind of flew under the radar for so many people because this concept is REALLY fucking cool. Youre basically playing a deduction visual novel rpg with stats to upp the odds of your success and survival ala Murder/Werewolf/and yes... yes its like Among Us.
Single Player Among Us.. but still in A WAY among us

EXCEPTTT THERE;S NOT REALLY LIKE A FOCUS ON TASKS AND SUCH and its more like the raw 1:1 deduction and conversational aspects of this game are what youre playing it for which can be a mixed bag, I absolutely love the music and the art style and how many different roles you can play

Youre one of several poor gay assholes stuck in a time loop with universal fuckery happening bc of this entity called Gnos, a gnosia is a being thats caused by infection of the host and they really just only try to kill humans but they can throw other Gnosia under the busssss and really throw the group off of shit.

Infact, the more you play the game the more it feels like you get for wiggle room with what can happen and theres an insanely high chance that the person thats gnosia wont be it again twice in a row

The loops are very fun but I think that,,, once you start not coming across interactions organically.. once you hit a certain point iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiits... magic starts to wane for me babe
The game thankfully lets you be able to have preset settings for things that will inch you along in the story and all that jazz when getting to one of the endings, but youre still at the bane and mercy of the biggest nigh cosmic spacial threat of all beyond Gnosias, Bugs and Gnos... RNG lmfao

Sometimes you can get lucky!! and sometimes the skills really do make a massive difference in upping the odds as ive said before but!!!! there's a double edged sword thing going on here that may make or break it for a lotta people
I loved this game i found it even hard to put it down despite it flickering between being really freeflowing and then becoming some planeswalker to-do list matches that may or may not pan out how you want
and then the endings can vary in satisfaction but... i honestly just kinda went "damn. that sucks." for the bittersweetness but you dont see BEYOND that with... hm nah im starting to get into spoilers and i want ppl to be able to see atleast most of this soooo yeah thats all i can say

all in all its one of the coolest visual novels ive ever touched but i think it technically doesnt succeed very well with some ofwhat its going for with the story and narrative because i felt like i wanted M O R E.. more directness with the narrative and conflicts that get overcame tht make me feel MORE but instead i just wound up liking the taste enough to keep sticking my fingers in and going onnn and onnn and on with random matches and trying new things anddddd it got entrancing but i wouldnt say that makes it GOOD design
more like that it hit a nice chord for me at the right time

Some other little things thatre nice are the designs and whole alien/human things going on with these people so theyre not all just the exact same age and species, it makes the crew feel more interesting and learning more abt them is fun
Props to this game's devs for also not only letting you make yourself explicitly nonbinary, but there's two actual nonbinary characters ingame thatre (sharp exhaling.. sayin these nowadays makes me feel like a robot sometimes) amab and one that was afab, and theyre both really cool characters thatre different and not just total 1:1 copypastes or anything not even in design they contrast each other almost completely :) i just think thats very cool

shoutout to SQ the poly cis sapphic ally of all time <3 love her up and down

so yeah grab it if its on sale and the pitch seems really cool to you but if a mystery murder game had no extensive puzzles and was solely debating and levelling up and time fuckery to get more sides of the pie cut out doesnt sound like your thing, then thats okay :)
i just think its pretty rad

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Everything you can make out of this game all boils down to this secretly being a love story between Zero and Accord.

Perhaps this is beyond my functional requirements as a Recorder but, I cannot shake the feeling that somehow, somewhere, Zero is still alive...and that someday. Someday, she and I will see each other again.


This game is wild. Really fun time, great story and music, and has the most difficult and devious final boss I've ever seen.

This is a totally broken game that somehow takes everything Drakengard, Drakengard 2 and NieR did and makes it worse. Has bugs and extremely poor design decisions. Story, subtext, lore and sometimes the characters save it and make it a pretty amazing art piece of a game, though... I guess... (DrakeNieR has taken me hostage)

the best sims experience to me. i love the wacky story mode, customization menu for the sims and creativity. poured over 300 hours on this game

This game is a hot mess, and I love it so much.

A start of everything. Honestly, it's a game that is good but i'll say that i prefer the next entry over this. It's a great game for it's genre.

this game carried me through school

real unique story with amazing art alongside a fairly likeable and fresh cast. as a big fan of the classic werewolf game i thoroughly enjoyed this one. points off for lack of story depth and the effort needed to trigger certain events, but otherwise a game i would definitely recommend

Nah, I say Let It Die! Let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and... come on who's with me huh?

More than 13 Sentinels: Aegis Pacific Rim is an enthralling visual novel that will take the player through a proverbial and literal loop in its phenomenal take on the science fiction and artificial intelligence.

For those familiar with my writeups, they'll know I don't really touch on story spoilers and that holds especially true with visual novels such as this. I will say, this story had me interested the whole way throughout even if my retention of said story was questionable at best. It gets rather convoluted, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The entire game being voice acted helped an astronomic amount with being able to parse the story's intricate narrative and keep me awake through its north of fourty hour (for me) runtime. Even reading a synopsis right now of what I couldn't fully understand/missed out on has helped me pull together what an awesome story this is. If you're a sucker for time travel in science fiction, 13 Sentinels is the game for you.

Previously I had been very adverse to Vanillaware's trademark character art style, but it really showed through in their most recent bout. Characters are all unique and varied from one another, realistic, and easy to remember... but the real hero is the drop-dead gorgeous environment/background art. Colours shine through and help breathe air into making the living parts of the game feel real. Trees have a beautiful green/red sheen to them, the sun shines on the school and cityscape with an artistic flare, and the actual city itself is strikingly detailed.

Gameplay in the RTS segment was funadmentally basic but also quite enjoyable. It's the right level of difficulty in a game like this where you have to think a little bit as to not destroy your party, but don't have to sweat it out in thirty minute long battles like you would in an Advance Wars. The visuals here were like eye candy for me though, lots of awesome bright colors, explosions, and lasers... what more could you ask for!

I'd strongly recommend 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim for any fans of science fiction and/or visual novels.

An amazing story, amazing graphics and great tactics battle system. A honest must-play not gonna lie.

just a super interesting visual novel with tower defense rts attached to it
it sounds weird but it all really works well together very interesting non-linear storytelling

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Considering this game is free, there is next to no reason for you to not go and play the first hour of it, see what you think. That’s what I did on my first run of the game, and I decided that I didn’t like it. I never uninstalled it or anything like that, but the mechanics of the game were just too inconvenient for me and the idea of survival horror was pretty new to my tiny brain as well. Played it until the end of the first area, and quit. Thank god I went back and fixed my mistake, because it provided me with some truly beautiful and disturbing moments that stick with me to this day.

Before getting to my favourite aspect of this game, I wanna talk about some of the other great things it does. There are constantly top-tier horror moments in CoF, the college, forest, asylum, just consistently peak horror segments that are petrifying every time and keep the player on their toes for the rest of the game. I like the weapons, they aren’t anything spectacular, nor all that unique but the addition of more than one melee weapon is something I really appreciate and is an idea that many other horror series (cough resident evil cough) refuse to incorporate. The art direction is surprisingly amazing for a game with graphics like they are, and the designs of the creatures are usually pretty grim, quite Resident Evil-esque, so, again, not especially unique but nonetheless very disgusting and Team Psykskallar definitely understood what they were going for in that respect.

Despite all this, the most impactful aspect of Cry of Fear, in my opinion, is ironically the sections when there is no horror. Two or three specific set pieces that are all just indescribably beautiful for so many reasons, but I will try to communicate why I find these moments so genius.

- cityscape over a lake -
Firstly, there is one area in the game, quite early on, either just before or just after being chased down by a chainsaw wielding maniac, where you are left with your own thoughts, walking next to a lake, with a cityscape in the background, this is so brilliant, simply for the reason that the game decides to give you a break and put a nice little city in the background, there is not much symbolism or clever artistic choice going on for this one, it’s just a demonstration of the love that went into the creation of this game and the knowledge of how to make the player enjoy and remember the experience for longer.

- fully lit school -
What makes this section so exceptional is that it is, once again, just simply a break from the nightmare. This section also intelligently capitalises off of the audience’s vulnerability and susceptibility to a surprise ambush, however, for a game that is so great at scaring the player, it manages to put them back at ease impressively well, and it makes the player want to explore this serene school a lot more. (atleast before it gets filled with monsters again after the lights turn off)

- paddle through the lake -
This is my very favourite moment in the entire game, and one of my favourite moments in any game ever, which is impressive for a small indie half-life mod released 10 years ago. It is simply a minute or so of gameplay where the main character gets inside a rowboat and paddles across a small stretch of water. This section itself isn’t so great on its own, but it is what becomes before and after that, and how this boat ride leaves the player to ponder their journey. Just prior to the lake, is a mental asylum: a very frightening section that concludes with a gun duel between you and the doctor, who you have been following for most of the game. This showdown has a sense of finality to it, which is emphasised by the few moments afterwards in which you walk outside to meet… daylight. For the first time in the entire game the sun is out and the once anxiety-inducing trees are now perfectly lit, and the path ahead is clear. The little walk out of the asylum along with the boat ride produces a cathartic feeling in me every time, an “it’s finally over” feeling. This emotion is so difficult to describe, but I’m confident anyone would understand it if they have gotten to this point. The part afterwards is great too, it’s the final area, so there are obviously enemies and scares, but it is done in a fashion that helps to maintain that powerful emotion throughout its entirety, and it doesn’t ruin the moment before to any capacity.

I wrote this review without touching on the story once, which is really depressing and has some great themes, plus the way it is done makes it so that it unravels throughout the game, until all the symbolism and meaning is dropped onto you at the end, changing future playthroughs and making the player realise new things they wouldn’t before.

In the end, Cry of Fear is a really fantastic game. There are some op collectible weapons you can get from beating the game, which in my opinion kind of ruins that feeling i described earlier, but otherwise, pretty much no nitpicks to make other than maybe minor pacing issues.

Just play it lol. 9.5/10