The numetal in this game is so bad... Also, this game has some of the worst side quests in the entire series. Chocobo Racing? Butterfly collecting? Horrid.

And then, in the ending, it's just TEXT DUMPS? You get several characters telling you walls of text because the game was UNFINISHED? HOW COULD THEY LET THIS HAPPEN

It's an incredibly short game with fairly shallow combat. Some of the boss fights (Venom 1, Doc Ock) are super unfun too. And the autoscroller levels? Girl help.

A lot of the new moves feel like they're only there for situational usage and nothing else. There's so much more you could be doing with them instead of just relegating them to like 3 uses per playthrough.

I greatly dislike that item management is so important in the wily stages. If you fuck up any of the platforming too much, you have to either grind for weapon energy or kill yourself. Really dampened my first playthrough when that happened.

You can't pause during a time trial or else your ghost will become invalidated? What the FUCK

It feels like this game really wanted to push twin sticks as the future of 3D platforming, and, as a result, some of the items control very bizarrely. You have to rotate your stick to use a hula hoop... to run fast? Why the hell couldn't you have just mapped that to a button instead?

It has like the slowest battle system ever; even at the highest speed setting, the gameplay felt miserably lethargic. Oh, and let's not forget that one character commits a bevvy of war crimes, one them arguably being genocide, and she still gets a happy ending with absolutely 0 atonement or remorse. All of this I'd forgive if the game had more Freya and less Eiko, tbh.

This game wants what Mario Party had, which is a shame because some of the minigames were great. The relic challenges were ass garbage though.


Some of the level tasks are really tedious. A lot of the time, you'll have to go through an entire level multiple times because the game boots you out every time you collect a red remote. Combine that with objectives like "Smash the 5 blood coolers" or other various ones that make you scour the entire level, and playing the game will start to feel like a chore.

Aiming with eggs is complete ass; it's probably one of the worst things that the game expects you to do pretty regularly. Also, it has too many damn minigames. I can live with maybe like 1 or 2, but it feels like every level has some minigame that adds nothing to the game at best and is actively detrimental to the experience at worst.

I've played this game like 3 times and, gun to the head, I could not even hum a melody from any of this game's OST. It's just like... slightly lively muzak.

The boss fights in this game... Electric chair.

It's cool that this game is so accessible to a younger audience. I wonder how many children/teenagers this game got into JRPGs?