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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 4, 2024

First played

March 23, 2024

Platforms Played


My most liked review on this site is literally wanting a new Wario Land game so you'd expect how excited I'd be for something that takes close inspiration to it.

Pizza Tower not only feels like an amazing evolution of the Wario Land formula but a game that also perfectly crafts its own identity, all the toppings come together to make the perfect pizza, ugh I mean game.

The fast break neck gameplay mixed with the zany artstyle that bring so much fluidity and bizarre life to this world. The game has this clever approach to difficulty where the levels are fundamentally pretty easy but the encouragement to crank your rank up drives you more and more to keep replaying and master all the requirements to achieve it. It's complemented by each of the levels crafting it's own unique theme and keeping things fresh with original transformations and power ups that complement the breakneck gameplay perfectly. I had a stupid grin on my face the entire time across this journey with it's wacky antics and goofy characters.

I could gush about this game all day but borderline this is one of my favorite indie games ever.