Dragon Quest Monster joker 2 is just amazing,the game is much better than the previous joker game(quite medíocre and incomplete)this One has more monsters and their diversity is quite high,now each area/zone has it's own soundtrack from many Dragon Quest games (you Will love the songs)unlike the first game where there is ONLY One theme for each zone thus getting repetitive,the exploration is Also One of the game's biggest highlights there is always something to find,a Treasure box,new monsters that can be replaced by others depending on the Weather conditions and time of day,places to grind and walls to climb lol.
The 3d graphics are beautiful very colorful and full of life,the story and characters are Also better than the first joker hell there are even Giant monsters.
Overall i recommend this game to any Pokemon fan that is bored or to anyone looking for One of the most underrated ds jrpgs.

Dragon Quest Monster joker 1 has great graphics beautiful areas and Animations but lacks in everything else.
The story is cliche you can predict everything that's coming before it happens (darkonium crystal)the soundtrack sucks due to it's repetitive nature the theme is good but i got sick of hearing it.
The game is short and very grindy plus empty, most of the time you Will be just grinding your monsters without any story or character development happening(since the Cast in this game is pretty small and bad).
The lack of post game content is another issue,after beating it there is almost nothing left to do.
If you don't have a whole lot of time on your hands just play joker 2 it's way better than this.

Dragon warrior monster 2 isn't a bad game per say but it's completely inferior to the previous game in almost every way.
Dragon Quest Monster 2 is for some reason easier than the first One where you had to make a very competent team of monsters each One of them have some roles like healer/support,melee attacker and spell user,and the the last One is a Jack of all trades,you had to combine them Over and Over again to get good stats otherwise you would lose in the arena or against some of the other worlds bosses.
The second game holds your hand a lot like if you played the first game the same strategies/moves work here thus making the game feel more like a DLC than a proper sequel since there are almost no new moves or move sets to old monsters .
The soundtrack is another disappointing aspect since there are not that many new songs and many of them sound bad(i used the gbc emulator with headphones and had to take them off due to the bad songs).
The story and even the characters are Also inferior to the first game where you had to save your sister that was kidnapped by a Monster from another world,here the story is Goofy and doesn't take itself seriously which sucks.
The game introduced a new type of monsters(Water ones)and added sea navigation but this isn't enough to justify a sequel.
Overall just play the first game and ignore this One than go to joker 2.

Simply amazing this is the definitive way to play Pokemon heart gold and soul silver, drayano fixed all the annoying issues of the original remake like the bad level curve and the lack of Pokemon diversity that really hurt team building.
Dray Also made new events not ONLY for team rocket but he also created new Battles against trainers that would have never challenged you before.
The difficulty is Higher but the game is never unfair,many people received some kind of buff so you can use whatever you want and still sucessed.
The Pokédex and the game post game were Also expanded there are some good surprises waiting for you.

If you want to revist johto just play this hack you won't be disappointed.

Really good hack of drayano but it's old and needs an update since it lacks many important features,but if you are looking for a challenge this might entertainn you.

Final fantasy v is overall a video game with a ton of positive aspects like the good Gameplay,art Style that has aged well,a somewhat good soundtrack not the best in the franchise by any means and of course the job systemt(there are more than 20 jobs each One Being unique and having their own skills,this give a ton of customization to the player something that was lacking in final fantasy 4,the game Also feels like a adventure due to it's non Linear nature and the quantity of hidden/optional content.
However,the game drops the ball due to 90 game design having trial and error mechanics that end up leading to your death not because of your fault but because the game never warns about what is ahead,for example we have enemies that can One shot the player,op bosses that are way too strong for certain areas (Omega)and the fact that some bosses force you to use jobs you don't want to use just to beat certain bosses truly sucks.
There are unfortunately way too many difficulty spikes so do not expect a easy game or a power fantasy,the game third act Also draggs too much imo having almost no story or epic moments to show thus becoming a treasure hunt for the ultimate weapons.

This review contains spoilers

Dragon Quest 6 is a weird game,while it isn't the worst game in the franchise and not even a bad game per say it truly is One of the weakest games in the franchise,what makes it even more disappointing is the fact that the first part of the game is actually good.
Basically the hero and it's friends (Carver and Milly)are going to the Castle of the dread fiend murdow to slay him since he is a vile creature that is causing chaos and Destruction in that zone of the world,the player truly feels like he is doing something important and that the future of the world depends on you,after the most difficult Battle in the game(murdow)you feel satisfied and happy only for the game to punch you in the face by revealing that he isn't the true villain ONLY a Minion of the real final boss🤦.
Then suddenly the game becomes about a Journey in the entire world for you to find your missing half,collect a Legendary equipment to get to the heaven Castle and solve a bunch of people problems and here is where the game goes downhill.

None of the characters get a proper development since the story is so focused on you doing a bunch of Quests basically,Milly and Terry backstory should have been One of the best storytelling moments in the game but fail due to a bad execution and lack of clarity,there are not even full scenes made for their stories and a proper conclusive.
none of the dread fiends except murdow get any development and this is such a missed opportunity for good character development and lore but no you find out where they are find them and beat them, the end.

The game has a job system however is mediocre,grindy and unrewarding,the system is ONLY unlocked after the death of murdow and as soon as you get it you are forced to grind them for the Next boss fights that are huge difficulty spikes(like Brutus and jamirus)each job levels up when you do a set amount of Battles,for example if you complete 10 Battles in your job rank it Will level up,then 20,30 and so on you get the picture(each time it levels up you might get a new spell/abillities)
The problem is that this takes Forever and forces you to grind for hours to get the necessary skills for your party, speaking of many of the skills are uneccessary and don't have any use in Battles against bosses thus making some jobs feel like gimmicks or a way to keep you Busy.none of the main characters have their own job so when you get to the end everyone os just a carbon copy of each other.

The game is profoundly unbalaced too Gameplay wise,mages are bad when compared to melee party members so they are only useful to give support via buff or heal,the problem here is that their offensive Magic has a high cost but it doesn't deal all that damage and i didn't even mentioned the enemies immunitiesso it isn't worthy.
Instead other jobs that have nothing to do with Magic get the best spells(like the hero class via thunder storm)and the dragoon (has stronger Magic than the magicians at cost 0 seriously)the balance is no existent.

To finish this with something positive(at least)the NDS graphics and art are not not amazing but still good.

The soundtrack is another highlight sure it's repetitive as hell but there are good songs in the game like the Battle theme for example.

The party chat doesn't fix the storytelling issue of the game but it adds more personality to each character thus making you feel closer to them like hell there even some joker!
The Battles are fast Paced and this is great since most of them can be finished in One minute.

My final Score for the game is a 6/10 not a must play but it's something that you can enjoy depending on who you are and what you expect from a jrpg.

Pokemon unbound is simply wonderful and the best romhack currently in existence and There is really no competition this game gives the impression that it was made by gaming industry professionals and not gamers or fans.
It has a complete custom soundtrack full of many good songs (love the Battle and Champion theme)so if you are sick of your typical gamefreak songs you Will enjoy this.
The game has a ton of content(more than many paid games out there)like more than 30 side Quests some even having their own stories while others offer you a challenge(like beat the elite 4 with One Pokemon only)a mini game where you Control an altaria and a huge postgame that has the Legendary hunts,the Battle tower and more extra story content(and the game is still going to get more content lol).
Unbound Also has a bunch of quality of life features that Will make you love it,like Being able to use pokeballs without going to the bag menu,battle and puzzle difficulty selection,option to use or not use potions in battle or even deciding if you want the game to have level caps or not make sure that each Run is different and specific to each player.
Everyone can play unbound and still get out with a smile.
This game Also has a new beautiful region with many biomes and a good story that while not perfect clearly got a ton of attention from the devs.
I give to unbound an 10 out of 10 and i can't wait for it's future updates.

I personally would not recommend this game, Yu-Gi-Oh GX Tag Force starts well,you find the many cool GX characters that we love like Jaden ,bastion and Alexis,the duels are Also quite fun overall,so where is the problem?
The game becomes a boring and grindy mess 10 hours in,it fails to introduce new concepts or ideas all that you do is duel and duel and duel everyday to get Cash to buy more cards and sandwiches to buy your so called friendships with the characters while not even knowing what topic they like.
To make matters worse the game is unbalaced as hell with some decks Being better than others and some even Being extremely op and going against the game mechanics.
Generally to get stronger monsters(2000 damage+)you need to tribute weaker monsters,however there are some characters out there with broken decks that demolish this notion since some allow you to summon monsters that deal 2023 damage without tributing,or even decks that remove your monsters from the field constantly,and some boring stall decks that make everything so long.
I don't know if gx tag force 2 is better but the first game is just so boring and grindy i can't recommend,like you even have to make up things for you to do .

I bought this complete version of dark souls 3 in december of last year and i beat it 1 week ago and in my opinion dark souls 3 isn't the best or the worst game in the franchise but it's a game that fails to innovate,introduce new concepts and tries way too hard to please the fans of dark souls 1(the best One imo).
Dark souls 3 graphics,art style and performance are very good,during my 25 hours the FPS almost never dropped and if it did it went back to normal so fast that i didn't notice.
Dark souls 3 combat is good but bad at the same time,shields are now useless even the greatshields won't be able to protect you from all types of attacks at least not without you taking damage.
You if you liked to Stay behind a shield and tank bosses powerful moves like in dark souls 1 and 2 i am sad to say this but this isn't possible.
This leads US to the lack of Gameplay options and diversity that this game has,dark souls 3 basically tried to be bloodborne(a Faster and more agressive game) thus ruining the slow and methodical way of playing dark souls due to it's many traps and tricky enemies positioning.
You Will constantly have to roll to get immunity from the bosses attacks in every single fight and this gets boring with time.
Dark souls 3 is Also a short and Linear game thus going against the nature of the 2 first games in the franchise.
Remember dark souls 1?you had options,you could choose in what order you wanted to tackle the game,which boss you wanted to defeat or Skip and that area to explore or ignore.
This isn't present anymore,instead the game rarely offers you 2 or 3 options so there is ONLY One route for you to take most of the time.areas are bigger but have too much wasted space where there is nothing there,this added with Faster Pace of the game decrease it's lenght considerably(you can beat this game in 20 hours or less and this sucks).
Now let's talk about the bosses,dark souls 3 has some of the best bosses in the franchise like Dragon Slayer amor,twin princes,Aldrich , crystal Sage and the dancer.
It's Impossible for you to play dark souls 3 without having a top 5 or something,however many bosses have 2 or 3 phases(this gets annoying later on since this makes them less unique and lead to some unfair fights in the DLC)and some of them are gimmick bosses that should not be in the game,others are too op(looking at you pontiff)a boss that has an almost infinite stamina and uses it to attack you non stop easily One of the most stupid difficulty Spikes of this game.
Overall dark souls is a game that does some things right and many wrong(ruins certain playstyles,brings back areas from the first game and is more of the same) fortunately from software noticed that the franchise hit a dead end and moved to make new IPS(like the amazing sekiro)that is much better imo.
The DLC is short too so if you think that it's gonna add many more hours it won't.
Hope that whoever reads this likes it and understands that i am not a hater or fanboy of from.

Disgaea 2 dark hero days is One of the best examples of how a sequel should be made(far cry and Ubisoft please take notes)this games grabs on everything that the first game made and improves everything while adding new things and mechanics while getting rid of bad features.
We finally have Monster weapons that scale with the Intelligence stat,so unusable Monsters like the succubus whose abillities are int based can finally Shine same thing with the ghost.
Magichange was added to this game so now Monsters can transform into weapons for humans to use thus changing their stats,passing their passive skill to them and changing their stats.
This port Also has a new story mode called Axel mode where you play as him during 4 chapters,and the peta spells that were no present in the original release.
The item world is easily One of the best features of this game since it has a lot of diversity in comparison to disgaea 1,there are new random events ,Pirates can attack you out of nowhere and they reward you with treasure Maps that unlock another new content in the game.
You can Also obtain and steal many Legendary/rare itens in this world while improving the ones you have so be prepared to put a ton of hours here.
The plot of disgaea 2 is more serious than the One of disgaea 1 Jokes here are not that common and our Heroes want to defeat zenon the overworld behind their Netherworld problems.
I loved adell and rozalin both make a good pair and are very strong Gameplay wise.
Disgaea 2 Also Adds passive skills to each character thus making them even more distint from each other .
The soundtrack is great and diverse with many songs that Pump you up for a fight ,like the shinra tower theme or visual sensations onem
Overall if you want to play a good tactical jrpg you need to give this game a chance.