I was bored, until it click and bam, i lost an hour, so yes, now I understand why this game was so influential

Commenting on old games is always weird because pretty much all has been said and this is one of the most obvious cases of that, yeah, it's a bit creepy, Evil Otto was a great idea and the game is a lot of fun for a few rounds (Or more if ignore the audio quality), but really there isn't much more to talk about, if you had curiosity, try it, but don't expect it to blow your mind

First of all, massive respect to the author for pulling out this game, really go out of his way to make an experience that looks like the result of a professional team, but that being said, this really feels like the work of one person, because it's pretty obvious that is loaded with everything that he likes without really thinking if fits with the final product, resulting in a experience that could be improve with a few cuts in favor of a deeper exploration of some mechanics or it's plot (Witch is pretty bad). Still, for the 2 hours that last is worth checking out, very fun

This is the kind of game you sound pedantic for saying you liked, like if you are lying to be different or something, the truth is, I just finished it, and now I'm tearing up

If in any time you think a decent presentation is guarantee of a decent game, remember Shaq Fu

After playing the demo of "The Coffin of Andy and Leyley" I had curiosity about the author, so I checked the rest of their games and I tried this one because it only lasted 20 minutes, if you enjoyed the previously mention game, I think you would like this one, even if is nothing groundbreaking, but let me warn you, it could be a brutal nightmare or a heartwarming tale, depending on your choices.

It could have been the best Pokémon game and story-wise probably is, but, unfortunately, has too many problems to say that. Is sad, because especially at the end, I really enjoyed the experience

A very interesting "Fictional" Game

It's ok, a couple new shrines and and a new boss, i wish it had more unique bosses and a bit more plot, but, for what it is, is fine

I'm actually surprised of the divisive this expansion turns to be, some things are fair, like the amount of reinforcements and the way they appear in some maps, that definitely can use some adjustment, but things like Nil being useless seems weird to me, after all, that's the idea, you have to protect him, and even so, there are plenty of ways of use him, personally I put him the Micaiah emblem and I used him as support, so the only time I lost for his dead was my fault. The map design in general is more forgiving than people seems to give credit to, I played in hard and granted, it is, but, for example, chapter 5, the one which most hate seems to being receiving isn't so bad, in this map, you have to take care of 2 units, your avatar and Nel, the first one starts being attacked by a mage cannoneer which isn't very precise, giving you more than enough time to reach and heal them, then appears a dragon, if you have Lyn's Astra, is dead and that issue is resolve, if not, it's a 50/50 hit that gives you 2-3 turns to heal if it always hit, virtually taking away only one unit for you to heal him, after all, reinforcements doesn't appear from behind, making that healer safe. Nel is even less problematic, she's is principally being attacked by one enemy and even without rings (And you have access to them), it's not like she can really be one shotted, and she has more than enough elixirs to live until someone reach her, as a matter of fact, she can even take the reinforcements in the room if you know how to move (I sure did), if anything, is the amount of summons Fogado do to the end of the map what is unfair, because you have very little time to respond and it's a lot. I actually think the big offender of the flaws in the map design is the final one, it has a very specific way of being played and if you don't follow that way, it punishes you extremely hard, this map actually was the only time I lost and had to reset in the entire Xenologe. I completed the rest of the maps in the first try, and I don't think I am specially good at the game.

I really enjoy this fixed challenges, makes easier to mess with different strategies, even if some quality of life improvements would be appreciated, like the possibility of change the inventory of the new units in the preparations or that the inventory doesn't reset between maps

Therefore, the gameplay is not as good as the main game,
but not as bad as some people seem to believe. As for the story, I find it more compelling and interesting than the main one, even if it needs the other to be appreciated, at least most people seem to agree on that.

I'm actually surprised of the divisive this expansion turns to be, some things are fair, like the amount of reinforcements and the way they appear in some maps, that definitely can use some adjustment, but things like Nil being useless seems weird to me, after all, that's the idea, you have to protect him, and even so, there are plenty of ways of use him, personally I put him the Micaiah emblem and I used him as support, so the only time I lost for his dead was my fault.

The map design in general is more forgiving than people seems to give credit to, I played in hard and granted, it is, but, for example, chapter 5, the one which most hate seems to being receiving isn't so bad, in this map, you have to take care of 2 units, your avatar and Nel, the first one starts being attacked by a mage cannoneer which isn't very precise, giving you more than enough time to reach and heal them, then appears a dragon, if you have Lyn's Astra, is dead and that issue is resolve, if not, it's a 50/50 hit that gives you 2-3 turns to heal if it always hit, virtually taking away only one unit for you to heal him, after all, reinforcements doesn't appear from behind, making that healer safe. Nel is even less problematic, she's is principally being attacked by one enemy and even without rings (And you have access to them), it's not like she can really be one shotted, and she has more than enough elixirs to live until someone reach her, as a matter of fact, she can even take the reinforcements in the room if you know how to move (I sure did), if anything, is the amount of summons Fogado do to the end of the map what is unfair, because you have very little time to respond and it's a lot. I actually think the big offender of the flaws in the map design is the final one, it has a very specific way of being played and if you don't follow that way, it punishes you extremely hard, this map actually was the only time I lost and had to reset in the entire Xenologe. I completed the rest of the maps in the first try, and I don't think I am specially good at the game.

I really enjoy this fixed challenges, makes easier to mess with different strategies, even if some quality of life improvements would be appreciated, like the possibility of change the inventory of the new units in the preparations or that the inventory doesn't reset between maps

Therefore, the gameplay is not as good as the main game, but not as bad as some people seem to believe. As for the story, I find it more compelling and interesting than the main one, even if it needs the other to be appreciated, at least most people seem to agree on that.

it's fun, but playing it nowadays, well... it definitely feels like an old game, the most new levels are usually the best, but the grind is not worth it. But it hardly matters really, seeming how Rovio (Or now SEGA) keep blocking their history

It's a virtually perfect and one impossible to replace, you can have problems with some aspects of the survival or the creative or the multiplayer, but even if you don't like something, there's something else you would love. It isn't my favorite game, but maybe is the one that I had played the longest, with friends, alone, vanilla, with mods, etc. it is impossible not enjoy something, that's why is a masterpiece

Pretty fun to play with a friend, the voice acting is meah and the story is more of the same, but shines with a very creative and original puzzle design, even if it's only for this 1 hour long demo of the future game "Unboxing the Cryptic Killer".

Maybe it hurt the industry in unpredictable ways, but it's fun, nothing crazy and it definitely feels old, but still fun (Specially the feel of speed)