It's really impressive for the console, really feels like this game is pushing its technical limits, sadly this sometimes make the game feel more janky than it actually is. I could go on, but honestly, other than to see what the SNES was capable of, there isn't a good reason to play this game when 64 and Zero are basically the same game but better

You have 2 ways of playing this game, 1. You play without thinking in the flowers or the red coins: Great experience, a lot of variety in the levels and bosses that are fun, not hard by any means, but fun. 2. You try to get all the items in a level: An extremely annoying experience, the game doesn't save anything after the checkpoints, so if you lose a live, you have to do a lot again, plus the fact that most times you are gonna died in one hit (Spikes, lava or voids) and you get a really discouraging experience.
Everything else is excellent, even if a wish that it has more music.

In short, aged like milk. The controls are stiff, some mechanics lacks balance and some decisions are weird, like the infinite and separated pool of items for the NPC's, outside the fact that half of them are re-skins of the banana peel, some are waaaay too powerful (The star and specially the poison mushroom), But in the flip side, it's the first game of the series, so mistakes are to expect and for the time of release, this game was impressive and one of the best to play with friends. Still not worth playing nowadays but an important title nonetheless

The game is fun and a good test to your skills, because is hard, like really hard, but mostly fair and skill-base, with enough practice you'll be able to win any circuit, BUT the random elements (The cars that spawn in the middle of the race) are borderline unfair, sometimes you find that some turns are impossible to make without taking a hit and others you ended taking damage for a car outside your range of vision (Specially in both Dead Wind's), all of this, plus the fact that the other racers aren't even affected by the brown cars most of the time (And can't detonate the purple ones) make me feel that that most of the time I was losing not because of how I was playing but because I got bad luck

Wind Waker is great, no questions there, but the shadow of other titles is huge, so it's a bit hard to recommend at first if you want to play any Zelda, still, what this title have going for it is the style. Each ally, each enemy, each attack are fill with little details that make this game a really fun experience if you decided to give it a chance. Also, is quite easy, so you don't have to worry to lose too much time

I already thought that stealth was one of the weakest points on the base game, so a DLC center on that wasn't my favorite, it works and can fun, but can also be a bit frustrating, and you surely will have a better experience with the base game or the other DLC

It's fun, Sam is significantly stronger than Raiden, even if his move set is a less diverse. The taunt system is there basically to appeal to speed runners, because it is unnecessary otherwise. This DLC length is less than an hour, so if you have the game, it doesn't hurt to give it a try, but don't expect something more than a couple of cool fights because the plot is kinda underwhelming.

The memes brought me here, and I leave with new memes.

In all seriousness, the game is really cool. As all Metal Gear's has this deeper meaning about violence and war, while also being really silly and over the top sometimes, and this one being so short actually works on its favor to communicate more effective its message.
The gameplay is fast-paced and quite enjoyable even if had some issues with the stealth and the parry, but my biggest complaint has to do with the camera which like the parry, usually works well in 1v1 encounters (With a bit clipping here and there) but struggles when are multiple enemies, more than a couple of times I tried to combo an enemy only to Radien to go for another one I was unable to see or worst, the camera jumping to another enemy when using katana mode, losing a possible kill or putting me on a vulnerable state.
Everything else is fire, the graphics (For a 2013 game), the bosses and specially the music, but that you should already know

I was surprised by how simple this game actually is, everybody had basically the same moves with the obvious exception of the 2 to 3 specials (+Fatality) each character had and that's enough to make all feel different. It's a good game to start understanding the fighting game genre but unless you are a big fan of the IP or want to play it for historical reasons, there are better games out there

Yeah, someone lives under the lighthouse

In all seriously, it's really a mix bag, I like how you use the routine to make you feel safe only to slowly escalate the surrounding threats, culminating in the second view chases, that are equally creative and scary for the disorienting it's can be, especially the first and second time, but after the fourth day... it's a lot less creative, throwing all the special intrigue of the unknown for what is basically a cult and that part feels like lasted waaaay to much.
I would rather have a simple history of a man going crazy for loneliness that whatever the mothman and the cult is supposed to represent. I have other nitpicks, but in the end, just try it if you have curiosity, but be cautious

Here's the thing, I like it, but as a horror game I ended up preferring the original version, not because this doesn't have merit, but because the original one is more focus and uses the fourth wall elements to really build the tension instead of using it as a way to make puzzles (Creative ones all being said) because what happen is that some of them (Like the clock or the store) ended breaking the immersion I have. The most egregious case of this is in its final moments which is (without spoilers) a large section of puzzles that slowly are building tension to the end, only for it to say "Nop, you need all the achievements, come back later" killing all immersion and making them a requirement instead of something you can do for fun, so you have to look a guide (Because some are secrets) and when you finally have them you came lacking that momentum it previously built, making a less effective ending.

It's free, 2 hours long and very creative, definitely give it a chance if you have the time and/or are looking for a game that plays with the fourth wall. I have a few caveats though, first of all the controls in the platform sections can get a few adjustments, to start the jump is very floaty witch can be a disadvantage against bosses that demands precision (Which explain the option to skip them) and the dash really could use a pointer when played with mouse, this is obvious in the race, when is easy to lose the track to where are we pointing at. Also, the plot can get a few adjustments to make its message more clear I'm not going to say what to avoid spoilers, because I really encourage you to play this game

It's more creative than the first one, even if some of the levels are clearly more fun than others (The city ones are boring) it's still a pretty good time if you give it a chance, specially with some mod like Brutal Doom

(Played Brutal Doom Platinum 3.0 on Doom II)
It's pure violent fun, massive respect for the different developers for continuing this project (And all the variants) all these years, from the weapons, the enemies and all the quality of life improvements, there's a lot of passion here, maybe even a little too much, because my main critique is that a few things are too convoluted for its own good, like the alternative modes of the weapons which are a direct improvement from the basic shot (Like double welding) an extremely situational tool (Like the Nuke) or a straight-up downgrade (Like the Dragon Breath super shotgun), this and a few other things keep it from being a blind recommendation, but still, a pretty good experience

Even if you are a hardcore Avatar fan I wouldn't recommend and not only because of the insufferable grind or the monetization (Some very good reasons), but because right now is a mess, in the time I played it (Like a week) it softlocked two times, frozen 3 and close itself a couple of times, plus a few bugs here and there, some minors ones like menus overlapping and some major like Blind Bandit Toph lacking textures during gameplay since I summoned her until I decided to stop playing. It really could have been a very good opportunity for the IP, but right now, is just not worth it