Can we just take a moment to appreciate this game's retro track selection??? Holy crap what a stacked lineup

This came out in the same month as Mario Galaxy

Really interesting and cute puzzle game. Had a lot of fun

These stars are for The Great Cave Offensive

Bring Stanley back you cowards

I wish I could roll my enemies into a ball like that

These games are so lazy. 2D Mario used to be the premier franchise for innovation in video games as a whole, but the NSMB games seemed to forget all about that.

This right here is where gaming peaked

This was the first time I ever got a game on its release date 💀

I'll defend MP9, but 10 was just a tone deaf mistake.

I don't remember anything that happened in this game

Compared to Kirby's Adventure, this has a worse artstyle, but better controls. It's basically a tie

Aren't a compelling story and cast of characters like... the absolute bare minimum things for an RPG to have? How did they mess this up?

The only person who put any effort into this game was Yoko Shimomura.

The peak of classic 2D-style Mario games.

Also, Mario becomes a furry.