44 reviews liked by JOOSHOOA

It took them 18 years but they finally released a version of Metroid 1 where you don’t get hit by enemies through doorways

I want to kiss Yoshio Sakamoto on the mouth consensually

A genuinely garbage game. I hope you don't like momentum because this game does everything in its power to make sure you can never build it up at all costs. Most of the game is dysfunctional because it relies on motion controls that don't work. This is one of the worst games I have ever played.

cop shit aside this is my fav switch game

I know not a lot of people hyped up this game, but I absolutely loved it. The story isn’t revolutionary, but it’s fun, and keeps you moving through stunning locales as you become immersed in the world Platinum created. The combat is really innovative and creates a unique fighting experience you will be hard pressed to find elsewhere. The sections where you explore and investigate offer a nice change of pace from the action, but don’t stay around so long as to take away from the flow of it all. The music is well done as with pretty much all Platinum games and more than anything I just really appreciate the way the game looks. Super underrated game.

It’s alright felt a bit rushed tbh

A remake of the bonus chapter from the ps2 release, Seperate Ways takes us through Ada Wongs side of the story.

In terms of writing I find this version to be stronger than the original, although I'm unsure on Ada's voice performance.
It's less femme fatale and more "I really don't care". It's not awful and she has some good lines, but Ada has been done better before.

However I do think this version of the side campaign is better than the original. All the Improvements from the base remake are put to great use here, and Ada's grappling hook is used for both spectacle and in combat, making her extremely fun to play as.

You essentially are playing certain sections of the main game in a new order, and this DLC doesn't add too many new areas, even strangely omitting some parts that were new in the original version.

However there will be some surprises in here for fans of the original game, as a few things omitted from the remake got their time in the sun here.

This campaign flows really well, and the new stuff is mixed in with the old just enough to ensure this doesn't feel like a total retread, something the original struggled with. A few of the omissions are definitely odd, but I think it was in service to the new narrative.

I enjoyed this, it's not quite how you remember, but for £7? It's totally worth it - 8/10

every morning when i look in the mirror i hope to see ada's reflection staring back at me..

This game is peak. The definition of RAW. Simply put, one of the greatest games of our generation.

In all seriousness, this game is bad, but like not THAT bad. For starters I actually like the guns, it's weirdly satisfying to shoot and jump around, and I wish there was more depth to the weapons. The ost for this game is so unique and unlike anything else in the Sonic franchise, and I love it. Some missions are actually a little fun. That said, this game is bad. Beating the same 3 bosses a total of 10 times for the true ending is stupid and no game should have that. Some of the missions required for getting certain paths are just terrible and annoying, such as the ring collecting or disk collecting mission. All of the bosses are either incredibly easy, like all the Eggman fights, or just bad, like the Black Doom and GUN Commander. The writing is laughably bad, and the first time you see them, you are unable to skip the cutscenes.