we need a dating sim with all these hot gods

I have a severe problem with idle games

It's honestly really good. It's true that sometimes the message can be so in your face that it can be annoying but still it's a really good story and an even better platform game.

De niño juegue muchisimas horas este juego y nunca entendí de que iba. Aun asi GOTY

Nintendo could take all the character models in here, release them as MK8D DLC for 2 USD and make 3 million dollars overnight

It's a nobel concept but it's still just a Pokémon game

I died inside the day it shut down

It was clearly not made for switch

I knew Nintendo Switch Sports looked familiar

Wave 1:
It's better than average but still just fine. Coconut Mall was kind of a letdown but Paris and Ninja were great surprises, excited for next waves and hoping to see some fan favorites return.

It's so bad it's only good when you play it drunk and overreacting about bugs