Would've considered it the better game if it kept the friend areas.

The first video game to make me cry as a kid. Its even crazier that a Pokemon game of all things could make me feel this way

Great gameplay however the story is complete cringe. Like I've said before this game would be so much better if it wasn't trying so hard to be funny

Its a decent game I just wish it could do more than just walk and shoot

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Very good gameplay however I hated how much of a cocktease the ending was. The game made you feel like it was gonna be an ultimate decision to choose between the gang or your job as a police officer. Instead the game just chooses for you and makes the main character just stay true to his job, it makes the internal struggle he had feel like filler in the end.

Its not entirely bad its just it could do ALOT more with its concept. This game gets boring too quickly

The most elite and clever co op mode Ive ever seen in a game

If this game came out in 2006 it probably would've been treated as a masterpiece.

Why is everyone a fucking manchild on this game?

I REALLY really wanted to like this game but this shit sucks. Its completely lazy on Bandai's part, alot of broken mechanics, easy spam moves, some of the regular attacks do more than the ultimates, and the story is so shit it rivals a gas station bathroom. Jump just wanted money from weeaboos and hoped people would eat this up. Horrible cashgrab

This game's difficulty is what Game Journalists think Dark Souls is

Its insane how Nintendo still hasn't continued this series or at least remastered this. This game is objectively a masterpiece and pretty much impossible to call this a bad game

The game is not as bad as everyone says it is but I will admit the ending was kinda retarded