It’s fun when you have no money on Steam

Russian. Third Person in a First Person Engine. Shitty.

I can’t leave without my buddy Super Fly.

I know this is MegaTen Lite Version but you don’t need to explain the mechanics throughout 8 fucking chapters.

A waste of time for JRPG and MegaTen fans.

Xenogears is pretty cool. But it’s very flawed. The music is amazing but there’s not much quantity. The game is extremely long (the longest single JRPG I’ve played so far). My play through clocked in at around 53 hours. The story is pretty sweet. The English dub is ok. Bart’s voice sounded deeper than I expected. The anime cutscenes are pretty cool. Disc 2 was cool in my opinion. I like visual novels and it was a nice change to just wrap the story up quickly. Overall, amazing. 10/10.

I’ve wasted so much time playing this game and I regret nothing.

A beautiful time waster. A fun game with friends. A game to just fuck around and do whatever.

This game is everything.