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Jack_OConnor finished Carrion
I feel like the ultimate damning and missing quality of Carrion that makes it so forgettable and kind of just a vague haze of a metroidvania is the mix of linearity and the fact there's no map to see how complete each area is, making it so you just kind of move forward through it without thinking of extras or exploration or anything that makes a good metroidvania fun. By the time you even notice that you haven't been getting stuff like that, the game's already over, too.

This is basically the quintessential game you have to get on a sale, because even though I bought it for $6, I still feel like it should have had more to it; god knows how disappointed people who paid full price for it feel.

4 days ago

10 days ago

Jack_OConnor backloggd Carrion

10 days ago

Jack_OConnor finished Amid Evil
A plain and simple boomer shooter that aimed to be one of its peers, in the best way possible. There's not really a lot else to say: everything in it is done extremely well, from the sound design, level design, aesthetics and theming, but it is just another boomer shooter to throw on the ever-growing pile. This one, I think, should just be thrown a little bit more towards the top, and is indeed worthy of being put in a priority list if you want to get through as much of the genre as possible.

14 days ago

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