Honestly a hell of a charm offensive of a game full of silly animations, weird cartoonish moments to the point where you can almost forgive the way the game likes to throw 'Gotcha' traps at you or how it likes to screw you over at a moments notice with a wonky perspective. I said almost though. As it stands it is a fun little game with a pretty short runtime which maybe needed some way of signalling obstacles a little better.

I'm confused as to why Nintendo refuses to put this on the Switch Online platform for regions outside of Japan. There's no Japanese text at all so that reason is out of the question.

That said, its not a big loss either. The gameplay is a pretty basic maze-arcade game where you drive around various places, grabbing bags of coins, chequered flags and fuel cans, all while avoiding enemy cars roaming around. There's also a fuel system in play to stop players from dawdling too much but this really only becomes an issue in the later levels of the game. So yeah. Maze arcadeness. Its basic, its kinda fun for a bit. Its fine... Just be sure to stick the tv on mute after a while because the limited looping music does hurt after a while.

Go on Nintendo. Put it on the America/European Switch online service. Im sure Sunsoft would be fine with it given how obscure/niche it is.

Im all for releasing everything you have in legitimate compilations in order to combat that old piracy excuse of 'Well I cant buy it anywhere' but this is real scrape the back of the barrel stuff for Atari.

Unlike the other two collections which are full of big titles, this is full of incredibly archaic black and white games, multiplayer only affairs, Atari 5200 games and a heap of prototype and cancelled Atari 2600 games. Its a collection thats honestly hard to love unless you REALLY have a soft spot for everything Atari.

Honestly more fun than you'd expect even though the novelty kinda wears off as you go on. Still fun for a laugh every now and again.

At first this game seems to be nothing more than a slightly difficult platformer. The train level is kinda fun in a nostalgic sort of way... But then the game opens up, throws a giant unwieldy map at you complete with a nasty time limit and positions several awkward barriers with power up requirements that the game doesn't bother to tell you about.

Then it turns into pain-o-clock and while the endgame reverts back to fun if hard platforming, the brutal and unfun map hunting just spoils it.

I get it in regards to how the game is the way it is, its 2002, the ps1 is basically dead in the water at this point but you still have to make a version of this game to push out alongside a Ps2 version which is going to get the attention. You're not going to really try properly are you?

Yeah this game feels like nobody gave that much of a crap in the making of it. It plays fine, its not buggy, there some decent music that sounds like it got ripped from other better games... Everythings so lifeless and boring though, theres no sense of speed, exploration of variety, not to mention its also incredibly short with barely any levels.

Its basically a 3d platformer developed on auto and it feels like it.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 9: Piko Interactive Collection 1

I think the correct wording for stuff like this is 'Mid'. Like there's nothing that offensive or horrible about it but its very much one of those random platformers that littered the SNES and existed as Blockbuster-bait. Its perfectly playable, theres nothing particularly wrong with it and you'll have the occasional bit of fun but you'll probably also forget most of it existed as soon as you put it down for anything else.

Wish there was a lot more to this either through game mechanics or through visual flair. At its core its a little too basic with the main mechanic being balancing a ball into various lit holes while avoiding other holes.

This game feels like somebody saw Sony's 'fl0w' game and thought 'How can we make this more fast paced, noisy and arcadey. So they basically stripped a lot of the pacing out, added loud irritating sound effects and threw in a random vs gameplay style that doesnt mesh at all with anything. Its an annoyance of a game and is reason #627 why I should stop buying cheap shit on the Nintendo eshop because I have spare money in the eShop wallet.

Starts off great and full of mind bending and weird fun that keeps you guessing but kinda devolves into endless backtracking and dull block placement puzzles that feel against the grain of what made the first half of the game feel special.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 17: Indie Heroes Collection 1

Another 'Its ok' platformers in the pantheon of Evercade platformers and as such its a little hard to really comment on it all that much. Graphically it is indeed very cute and the controls work fine enough and overall its a very competent platformer that I generally had a enjoyable time with but I cant say i'll really remember it much down the line.

I literally made a USA xbox account just to download this and I still have no idea why I went to that much effort. Its just really plain and drab. Yeah its functional and occasionally fun but mostly its just full of slow autopilot meh-ness.

Its.... Fine? I don't really want to copy my entire Dynasty Warriors 3 review. While this is decent and it does add a hell of a lot for those wanting more Dynasty Warriors 3 content, it also has the drawback of a lot of very player specific levels where, if you decide to play on free mode as somebody who isn't that character, the game cranks up the difficulty thanks to DW3's allies being completely unable to fend for themselves.

This reaches a real apex during the stage 'Diao Chans Escape' which.... Oh boy. If you're not playing as Diao Chan, be prepared for a REALLY mean spirited time.

But yeah. Its more of the same, seven new story modes, two new difficulty settings, new items, new horses, new bodyguards, new challenge modes, new unlockable weapons. Its ok.

Dynasty Warriors 4 I always regarded as a bit of an odd duck in the series. It tries to add a lot of new mechanics to the series and while some of them are interesting, a lot of them don't really work all too well. Its very much a one step forward, two steps back style of game.

On the positive side first, the game's levels are nowhere as huge as the original and each level feels more unique in general thanks to a lot of events going on throughout. Levels also feel more fluid in general with decisions from one, impacting the other. Certain characters you kill or let escape will impact how later stages go. Its nothing groundbreaking and this isnt 'LOOK AT ALL THESE RADICALLY DIFFERENT BRANCHING PATHS' level of noticeability but its still a great touch.

Character movesets as well for the most part feel better too. More unique charge attacks are given to all characters including new air charge attacks and the overall flow of the game just... works better. The enemies are also slightly less aggressive than before so while there's still the occasional Leeroy Jenkins ally, its nowhere near as problematic.

That said, not all the additions work. New to the series is a taunt mechanic which stuns nearby enemies.... Only the taunt lasts as long as the stun does, which means by the time you can attack again, the enemy has already recovered, making it useless. The game also has a new Duel mechanic where on meeting enemy generals, you can sometimes be forced into a 1 on 1 fight. Its a bit of an annoying system and breaks the game up too much.

The biggest issue though is the new 'Lock on' mechanic which keeps you honed in on one enemy as you go through a combo string. Its... Not very good. Theres no real way to accurately lock on and while the system is fine for those 1 on 1 duels... Outside of that, its a bit of a finicky mess and ive had more than one game over because the game decided that 'random soldier #2673' was more important of a target than the 'Lu Bu'.

Theres also an attempt at a custom character maker but its so barebones to the point of laughability.

Overall it is still a fun game but its just a little too messy at times for its own good.