Clunky controls, confusing storylines that go nowhere fast and a cliffhanger ending that will never be resolved. This is really only for the most sadistic of SWERY fans.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 9: Piko Interactive Collection 1

As a spiritual sequel to Drakkhen this certainly clears the low bar of quality that game had, the controls are cleaner, the overall experience is much more tailored to consoles and as a whole its a better game thanks to moving away from clunky digital mouse cursors and onto a more action-rpg take.

As a whole this isnt... bad... but it does also feel like some of the aspects that made Drakken actually memorable were also lost in the process. Enemy designs are much more generic, levels look bland and the inherent weirdness that permutated through Drakken's design is just gone.

In its place is a rather competent but rather uninteresting hack and slash with map segments that just feel now out of place now all the weirdness has been removed.

I honestly forgot this game existed until recently and I wish I hadn't. Its just a very dull and slow platformer that feels completely lacking in the personality department as you skate from flat street to flat office block as the same couple of snoozeworthy songs lull you into a coma.

Its one of those games you start off going 'HEY LOOK HOW WACKY THIS IS' but because of the total lack of meaningful content and a very repetitive sound loop, you'll be bored of this quick.

Its very much the sort of multiplayer game you'll stick on for 5-10 minutes before shuffling onto something more interesting to play.

This unfortunately was my first proper game I bought as a kid with my hard earned pocket money. I saw Simpsons and went 'YES' and oh boy I regretted every moment leading up to that point. This game is just a shitcan mess in every manner possible.

Graphics are ugly, blocky and every single character comes off as messy and deformed. The music is painful and each character speeds through looped catchphrases like a broken talking toy.

But then you get the gameplay, good lord the gameplay. Wrestling isnt really in this game, instead most of the game is spent spamming clunky badly animated attacks everywhere and hoping for the best. Theres rarely rhyme or reason as to when or if hits land. Just... Bleh

It may be vaugely fun if you happen to be drunk and playing with friends but so is jumping through tables loaded with pushpins and id rather do that then play this sorry excuse for a fighting game ever again.

Decent when it came out originally. Completely and totally skippable nowadays given the sequels.

Whatever the developers of this game was on I want some of it. This is just a complete trashfire of awkward dialogue, nonsensical puzzles and characters who act like they just snorted an entire dispensary at once. Its rather painful actually and when the silly wears off, you're pretty much just faced with an endless stream of fetch quests that get dull almost instantly.

Fine for a messaround for all of five minutes in multiplayer before you just wanna move on. Single player AI is a dumb as rocks too. It's basically compilation filler for Atari.

Time to put as much effort into this review as the developer did in making this game.


A bit of a mixed bag really but ultimately its a game where I felt pretty good about what I played. Theres a lot of very weird, creepy and unsetting moments about and the level design feels unique and interesting enough but theres just not enough here. I wound up finishing just wishing there was a few more levels to play through.

Also while most of the game is great, the game trying to make score-attack level speedrunning a thing doesnt work and it ruins the experience more than enhances. So just leave that mode alone and you'll be fine.


Minimalist games really do have to strike that line to avoid being too simple and basic. Most cover this by having the gameplay shine or having a thumping music beat. oO fails to really do either and instead comes off as half-baked instead. Theres just nothing here.

I honestly wish there was a console port of this but at the same time I know damn well it wont be a patch on the cabinet. Theres something just so intense about the entire game, from the chaotic more frenzied speed in comparison to previous games, to the lights, sounds, seat rumbles and smoke. Its an experience thats for sure.

Its not perfect dont get me wrong. The story and cutscenes are corny and weird as usual and the game just loves plot-dumping at a moments notice. The lack of the Aime card feature in the overseas version is frustrating too.

Nevertheless... This is just one hell of a blast and well worth wasting your cash on.

I have to be honest here, ive never understood why Cooking Mama is popular in any way shape or form. At its core its just a rather clumsy set of minigames based around cooking that are... fine? They mostly work and everythings... fine? Just its also really repetitive, some of the games feel too finicky and clumsy but mostly its just an overwhelming sense of 'Is ok I guess'

I mean Mamas adorable, the music is vaguely charming but there's nothing all that special, interesting or exciting here. Its just a rather standard DS minigame fest, albeit one with a little more polish than most of the minigame collections available on Nintendo's shovelware filled handheld thing.

Second verse, same as the first. Im not sure why I even picked this one up given how I felt about the original but it was cheap in a second hand store so though, why not.

And it is a little bit better, the minigames are less clumsy this time overall, some of the more finicky bits have been tidied and the theming of mama's friends and Mama herself having more flair is nice.... But overall its still a rather average set of DS minigames coated with mama flair. Its nothing exciting but if you're young or you happen to be bored, you could do a hell of a lot worse.

Hey its Cooking mama.... But for PC!.... and with none of the charm, style or personality. Oh dear. Its really not very good and while some of the minigames can be fun, most are just joyless, repetitive and bland both in style and in gameplay. Just go play Cooking Mama if you really insist on playing a cooking minigame compilation.