Time for more Dynasty Warriors 4. My general thoughts about the gameplay as a whole is the same as the main game so I'll just jump to the extra content now.

Like the previous Xtreme Legends game, there's a lot of random new content. New difficult levels, new weapons etc. All basic stuff. The two new big additions are 'Xtreme Mode' and 'Legend Mode'.

Legend Mode is a... disappointment of a mode really. While the previous Xtreme Legends game gave a wide array of new story modes, this instead gives a level for every single character... Only its entirely based around that character, most of the levels are minute in size and most are pretty dull, feeling more like mini challenges instead of actual levels.

Xtreme Mode is much better and plays akin to a survival mode where you take on small battles while recruiting other officers to help you, taking on side-quests during battles for more loot and playing a tad more defensively than normal due to a much more reduced availability of healing items. It can get quite fun seeing how far you can go. You eventually can build a mini kingdom, have some character specific side quests. Its all very nice.

But its not enough and that's this expansions biggest problem. There just isn't enough here to warrant shelling out for it.

This is certainly the high point of what people would consider the 'Classic' Dynasty Warriors series (So DW2-DW5) and its quite easy to see why. Graphics have been given a bump up from the previous game, the new characters brought in for the most part feel substantial and fun to play as and there is a LOT of content here. Like a ridiculous amount of content.

In addition the movesets all feel even more unique, characters that shared some elements have more clearly defined differences, new specials and desperation style moves have been added and overall its a lot more fun to actually swap from character to character. In addition the 'Lock on' feature from 4 is much better here and while there's still the occasional miscomminication issue, its much easier to correct and fix mid-flow.

That said... Maybe there's a little 'too' much content at times. Unlocking characters by making your way through others can feel like a bit of a grind, especially if you have to play as somebody you don't particularly enjoy playing as. In addition, the sense of Deja-vu to levels hits hard about midway as while Koei clearly tried their best to mix things up depending on the player character, there is a lot of repeated content if you want to unlock every character available.

In addition, its clear at this point that Koei is holding back content for the Xtreme Legends addon pack. Aside from the main Musou mode levels, there isn't a lot else to do to diversify things. The challenge modes feel pretty barebones and... well... that's it. Its fine if you happen to just want to plow through with the game, play your favourite characters, challenge the harder difficulties for the top weapons etc... Its just missing a little extra something to really make it go further.

So yeah. Very fun game. Is it better than 4? Yes. Did it leave me wishing for a little bit more variety in stages? Yes.

As a story it isnt too bad and the art style is cute and occasionally intresting but the whole thing just lacks any real spark. Its fine if you want to while away a couple of lazy hours acting as if you were reading a book but quite frankly if I wanted to read a book, I would have done so. Theres not enough detail in the plotting or the gameplay itself to really make it worth going through unless you really want a quiet slow night.

I honestly forgot this barely working pile of nonsense existed and I kind of wish I hadnt remembered it. Utterly incomprehensible with not a single redeeming moment to it.

Maybe im missing the point but generally I feel a game needs something. Music, graphics, gameplay, a plot? This game has none of that and is so stripped back to the point of pointlessness.

A fun little quick Dead Rising jaunt for those who wanted a little more story and chaos to play with after DR2. Unfortunately much like Case Zero, its short length and lack of replayability does harm it... though the option for co-op funsies and small pricetag does stop those negatives from being too much of an issue.

A rather cute little game with a mostly basic loop that's basically a clicker lite. Theres not much here, the game is pretty much over and done with in only a couple of hours but its charming enough for that time and probably ends around the right time too.

Good for having in the background and chilling - not so good if you're after anything engaging, challenging or involved.

Handsome Mr Frog is a rather nice little bitesized arcade game where you spend your time clearing out enemies by using your tongue to grab enemies and fling/spit them at others. Its a very basic mechanic and one thats easy to pick up.

And sure it is fun for a little bit but... its just on the verge of good because it all gets too samey too quickly and with little in the way of variety from level to level and enemy to enemy, there just isnt enough here to make the game worth more than a cursory glance. Shame really.

Absolutely not. This is one ugly, buggy and flat out horrible hidden object title that deserves to be flung into the ocean and forgotten about. Avoid at all costs.


I know this is just a prelude for the collection coming out but hell yeah. I feel it. It feels good and we should all go on this absolute banger of a ride.

Its basically just a demo so theres only so far I can really score this thanks to a lack of features and replayability in comparison to the main core series. It does its job of hyping up the main event well though. I do kinda wish both this and Case West were available outside of Xbox though.

I cant be too harsh to this. I mean I bought it for next to nothing and it was pretty much as I expected. A short and easy zombie blasting session backed up with a rather silly punk rock song in the background. Its the sort of thing you grab, play twice (Once to finish, once to show off) and then never really touch again outside of the odd spark of misplaced nostalgia.

This is clearly a game that was made to show off the technical capabilities of the TurboGrafx/PC-Engine in regards to how big the sprites could be. Unfortunately they also forgot to make the game playable in any form thanks to having a horrendously slow movement speed and controls that feel unresponsive and dumpy.

Oh and despite the 'BIG SPRITES', the game still manages to look like a total garbled blurry mess. Avoid completely.

Cute, fun and breezy little pokemon spinoff that manages to tick off a lot of boxes. Feels like it needs something more to make it work though and you often cant help but feel you're just digging donuts into the screen.

This is why I shouldn't buy trash on the Nintendo eShop just because I have eshop money left over and 'Ooh this is dirt cheap'.

This is a rather messy mobile port where you hit a button to zip across the screen. The problem is the movement speed and the way characters change direction after every 'grab' jump... It feels clunky and the messy level design doesnt help.

The game is also full of weird holdovers from the mobile version like letting you spend ingame currency to instantly reset levels vs just resetting normally... Which is basically the same thing.... Its a mess of a game and further proof price isnt everything.