Finished it as part of a Retroachievements challenge thing where I had to clear 1 Magical girl game and this happened to be the first Sailor Moon game to hand.

And eh. Its okish but everythings a little too basic, the level design is mostly just plain left to right, the enemies have no difficulty to them, the Bosses mostly also have no difficulty to them and the whole thing is over and done with in about 30 minutes to an hour.

Not a horrible way to spend that time but unless you're just after a quick completion, im sure you could find more engaging Sailor Moon titles around.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 15: Jaleco Collection

That goddamn cat. Every single game over has involved that goddamn cat in one way or another, springing up on me unexpectedly as I'm driving, me swerving away to avoid only for it to appear right behind me also. Cats appearing as I'm mid-jump, Cats appearing as I'm descending platforms. SO MANY SUICIDAL CATS.

Aside from feline vehicular traffic accidents stopping my game randomly every so often, this game isn't too bad and its quite fun trying to score-chase as you paint each level and send police cars spinning and flinging about as you fire cans at them. Fun times.

I do think I would rather play the arcade edition given a choice simply because of the usual NES screen-crunch making some of the jumps a little too precise and picky. Its not horrible and theres certainly a lot of fun here. Again though, those goddamn cats!

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 15: Jaleco Collection

Its not an awful game though its a very much standard mix of platforming that sort of works and combat that sort of meets the mark with some decent enough graphics. Its fun but even after playing through several levels, abusing the hell out of the evercade save state feature thanks to one or two horrible moments, I don't exactly have a lot to say about this one other than decent graphics, nice soundtrack, slightly clumsy gameplay.

Yep. That about solves it. I've been trying to write this review for several days and this probably shows. oops.

A rather cute little homebrew platformer. Its a bit easy and there isnt much to it but given is a free fun little project, im not going to complain, especially when a cute cat is involved.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 15: Jaleco Collection

I mean jeez talk about being as late 80s/early 90s as you can get with a cover. Honestly at this point the NES was on its way and companies like Jaleco knew exactly how to get it good from the system when it came to graphics and sound design. Gameplay wise... Its a mixed bag.

Its not 'bad' as such, theres plenty of variety, the gameplay is hard but never gets to the point where im yelling bullshit at the screen... but its also not amazing either, the level design is a little mishmash with mostly 'fine' areas mixed in with the one or two annoying ones.

Controls are a little awkward and the heavily draining magic gauge makes certain situations way tougher than they need to be. That said, switching between forms to pass through areas is quite neat and theres often the odd moment of 'aha' as you realise what form would be best for what situation. Its a neat feeling

So once again, thank goodness for Evercade save states. Not a horrible game but certainly one that has a lot of this sort of era platforming tropes to make persevering through tough.

When people say "oh I hate JRPGs" this nonsense is usually the stuff people mean. Bland nothing main characters, sprites that sort of look ok at times but often feel lifeless, cut scenes that go on forever, are made of still images, barely passable voice acting and feature reams of absolutely impenetrable exposition and barely relevant world building.

Then you get grindy slow turn based combat, filled with oodles of menus and systems and stats to match an over designed UI which somehow displays both everything and nothing all at once. Add some later game awkward fanservice consuming and voila, you get an idea factory mess. Utter trash

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 15: Jaleco Collection

EDF! EDF! EDF! Oh wait wrong game, this isnt the fun insect destroying game. Instead its a rather bland arcade shooter with a hitbox thats a fraction too large, slowdown that hits a fraction too often and enemies that like popping in from unusual angles (thus ruining half the available weapons) a fraction too much.

Its not a particularly horrible game but its just a bit too far on the bland and unexciting side to want to play.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 15: Jaleco Collection

I got so excited to play this then realised I had mistaken it for another SNES firefighter game (The Firemen). Like most of the stuff on the Jaleco cart so far, this isnt a horrible game but its certainly very mid thanks to some annoying design choices and a generally slow pace.

Once you get used to the pacing, the game isnt bad but its certainly lacking in places. Part of this is down to the rather messy level design thats overly maze-like and on a first play, has plenty of areas that are easily missed or places where you'll just go 'huh' and wonder what you're supposed to do.

The other is that despite the occasional goofy-ass moment, the game takes itself way too seriously and acts entirely too po-faced than it should be.

Again, its not horrible, theres moment of fun action, running about and saving people is interesting and the claustrophobic nature of some levels leads to some very tense moments... it just needed to be cleaner, faster and willing to have a bit more fun with itself.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 15: Jaleco Collection

(Note: Since launch, the Evercade Jaleco cart was updated. This update changed Rival Turf to instead be a translated version of the Japanese version, Rushing Beat - The original is still on Nintendo Switch Online but is very much an inferior version with enemies having more health, dealing more damage and are greater in number. Rushing Beat also has a full set of cutscnes and storyline beats. If you need to play a version of this, Rushing Beat is the version to play).

This Jaleco cart is proving to be very mid through and through so far and this beat-em-up, clinging wildly onto the coattails of Final Fight, is very much this too. While there is some fun in playing as porn parody M.Bison, beating up enemies through the various stages and sending enemies colliding into each other, it is weird that throws are mostly the go-to move as basic attacks often just feel like you're tickling the opponent.

I also have a huge issue with the way damage is done in the game, often damage doesnt process as the hit does, often being taken as you or the enemies are grounded. This can lead to some confusion as enemies seem to be alive and then suddenly dead out of nowhere. This is worse though with moments where you feel like you survived an attack, only for extra damage to be added on while you're still downed. Its very awkward.

Just like many games so far in this car, Rushing Beat/Rival Turf isnt a 'bad' game by any means, if you're a big beat-em-up fan, you'll have plenty of fun.... But this still does feel like the 'We have Final Fight at Home' effect.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 15: Jaleco Collection

Round two of playing as porn parody M.Bison (he got swole ya'll) and its certainly a step up from the first game. While its still very much a case of 'We want to mimic Final Fight's success', I would argue it actually does a half decent hob with it this time.

Attacks feel chunky and weighty, there's a rather polite variety of characters to pick from and damage scaling feels fair and useful. Im not going to pretend its an amazing game though. The graphics are rather basic and the overall gameplay doesn't really rise above a pleasant breeze the entire time (also a couple of the levels are FAR too long). Despite this its still a decent enough way to while away an hour or two.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 15: Jaleco Collection

Oh boy I love shooting at enemies that are mostly offscreen. That's my favourite thing to do and isn't at all infuriatingly and makes what should have been a rather average shooter into a slow as molasses mess.

Its so annoying because if the camera was zoomed out just a fraction more or if there were just a 'few' more ways to deal with enemies, this actually would be a neat little game thanks to the occasional burst of action but the whole thing is just neutered by a lack of variety and enemies that just enjoy firing away where you cant quite make out where they are, resulting in gameplay where it benefits slowly picking off enemies, vs the rushdown arcade-style job it should be.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 16: Piko Interactive Collection 2

Starting the Piko Collection 2 with a game thats.... ok? I don't think its a particularly bad game, heck, I had quite a bit of fun with it but despite some nifty little ideas like the shop mechanics and the flicking between top-down and third person racing providing a set of fun little distractions, there just isn't really enough to do here.

The races themselves, while amusing enough, are all too similar and samey thanks to almost every single race being a strict race from bottom to top affair. Theres some turns about but no real variety in the layouts. The art is also absolutely ugly as sin, especially the massive gurning character faces in between races. Owtch.

Yes, the gameplay sometimes is a little on the clunky and funky side. Aiming webs can be stiff and the combat can be a bit basic and the whole game is very on the short side.... But who cares really when the game is this joyfully silly and bombastic.

Its honestly so much fun swinging around and exploring the various stages in this game, collecting comics, beating up badguys, hearing some of the silliest quips from Spidey, Venom or Stan Lee. I was very worried on a replay that it wouldnt hold up and while, as mentioned, there are some issues, the overall theming and fun tone helps carry it along through to the end.

Boring and an absolute snooze-fest in every single way. The first proper level is fun enough but from the second one onwards, the entire thing just drags itself slowly as you realise you've already seen most of the variety the game has to show you.

Graphically its bland, sound-wise its forgettable and the combat itself is stiff and has no oomf to any of it. Theres a reason SEGA doesnt really roll this one out.

Honestly not a bad game for a quick throwaround as its fast, frantic and absolutely a blast in short bursts which honestly made it perfect for its Vita port.

On the PC its a little more difficult to love but its still a rather fun, if shallow little affair with a decent amount of stuff to unlock.