While this remake sorts out a lot of issues from the original, the storyline is cleaner, the graphics are very much a step up and overall puzzle design is a bit more focused, it cant really get away from the scattershot approach to puzzles that the original had. In addition while the storyline is cleaner, it still feels rather drab and aimless in comparison with other titles.

Another early Nancy Drew game, another that uses a lot of ugly cheap CG models placed directly next to a lot of real photos. This is the last game that does this thankfully.

Outside of that, while the overall layout of the areas, plot and puzzles are much better, the game suffers from a clumsy time-mechanic where you need to change to exploring only at certain times to find clues. In theory this should work but in reality it leads to a lot of backtracking between locations and hoping for the best. Theres also a rather nasty unwinnable situation you can stumble into which hurts the game even moreso.

Again, another title thats really only for the hardcore Nancy Drew fans.

Here's where the series really starts to get going thanks to a decent set of characters, an overall fun plot and having the game stick to one central location makes for much more nuanced traversal.

That said, theres still a lot of clunk here. The interface needs a touch-up, graphics are still on the wonk side and theres still a lot of needless repetitive fiddling with locks and things that require multiple clicks each time when in reality streamlining the process would be better.

Oh... Also... Dont touch the GBA version. Its fine as a port, everything is present in a surprising manner but theres no in-game saving and the use of a chapter/password system on a game so open-ended doesnt work at all and just ends with random progress losses/gains.

This is probably the best of the first few Nancy Drew games thanks to an assortment of lively memorable characters, some intresting puzzles and a real sense of historical about it as you explore the halls of the hotel. Theres also some hillariously dark game overs which is always fun.

Sure, again... Graphics are not great but its workable. The villain is also.... a little too on the obvious side. Its a decent game and feels firmly in the cozy territory that its wanting. Its not going to wow the socks off anyone but its still good.

Good lord the characters in this one like to talk and talk and talk endlessly about nothing. Normally theres a fair amount of chatter in these games but this one takes the biscuit as conversations between Nancy and any given character just churns on for an age.

Only you'll realise why this is the case pretty quickly... Theres just no content here. Puzzles are slim on the ground, the location is one of the smallest yet and its just lacking in every single department. This is a snooze-fest of an adventure.

Its.... Fine... It seriously feels like they leant a little too hard into the Edutainment side here as theres a few too many educational trivia puzzles and the ending is so abrupt and tonally different to the point of whiplash...

But yeah. Its fine. Its not very interesting but its not horrid either.

After a few dud titles, heres another proving that Her Interactive can pull out a decent title and this is mostly down to finally being able to mix the more edutainment segments with everything in a more seamless manner. Overall plot and puzzles are fun and again, like the fourth game, theres nothing here that'll bowl you over but as a cozy short adventure, it ticks all the boxes.

Another cozy and fun Nancy Drew title. This time around there's certainly a fair few weirder and more memorable characters and the puzzles more than outweigh the historical side this time but quite frankly thats fine.

Its not without its issues though. While meandering isnt uncommon in the Nancy Drew series, the puzzle and overall story progression does lead to a lot of aimless wandering hoping to find the next plot trigger. Its not endless but theres enough moments where this kicks in to be a problem.

So yeah. More short carefree and amusing adventuring. Hooray.

Eh... The engine is really starting to show its age and the amount of reused assets in here isnt helping in that manner.

Elsewhere, while the main plot is... ok... and the puzzles too are fine, theres a real lack of progression at times which can make it feel like you're accomplishing nothing for the majority of the game until WHOOPS heres the messy ending.

Its still hilarious to force Nancy to eat a Jellyfish and expired mayonnaise sandwich.

Finally a new UI is here to make this series start to feel less ancient though theres still enough of the old trappings to keep some of that feeling, heaven forbid we be modern.

Outside of that its a fairly inoffensive affair with a couple of plot points that make some of the game-overs make no sense and while some puzzles are great, others like the barrage of horse trivia... less so. Oh well.

Ive always found the Nancy Drew games to be at their best when they trap you in a confined single location and this proves my point by quite some margin.

This is probably the one more people think about when they think Nancy Drew games and its not without reason, the cold castle is full of gothic style creepy horror but at the same time theres plenty to see and do around the various walls and gardens with silly minigames, bird feeding and other puzzles that, despite being occasionally obtuse, really try and get away from some of the repeated puzzle tropes in previous games.

If there is one big problem with this one, its the characters. Most of the limited cast just are kinda dull and they very much take a backseat to the overall atmosphere and Rodger Corman-esque Poe plotting.

So yeah, while nowadays I wouldnt start with this one for newcomers, its not exactly a horrible place to begin either.

Im gonna get my whining out of the way first, this game has a driving mechanic that utterly sucks. Its clunky and bad.

If you can get past that however, you've got yourself a pretty decent mystery and as a throwback to the novels, it works incredibly well thanks to its more period suitable setting and overall locations. Just a shame about the car stuff...

I dunno... I find this one hard to gel with. In all honestly theres not a lot thats wrong with the game but I just didnt like a single one of the main leads this time around. The plot too swings so wildly from one main plot to another and gives neither enough time to breathe properly. Its just lacking in substance for me. Oh well. Cant win em all.

Im torn, on one hand I think on a design level, this is honestly a great game full of variety and fun locations to explore along with some really memorable characters... On the other hand the core plot and end-villain reveal is all so flimsy, muted and nonsensical to the point of parody and it really takes you out of the whole thing. 3/5 then? Yeah. 3/5.

Oh boy its the Hardy Boys again. They are terrible again. In addition so much of the game weighs on repetitive fishing and shell hunting and the overall plot and villain end goal is so weak to the point where the game itself pokes fun at the lack of villainy. Its just grindy and boring.