Its fine but its far too basic and simple to keep things intresting. Theres a reason why the series properly kicked off with Galaga and not Galaxian.


I wish I could say I enjoyed Mappy but I dont. I find the controls so awkward and clunky to the point where I just hate playing the game. I get why people like it but I dont think i'll ever be in that camp.

Ok but what if we added a load of clunky mechanics to Pac-Man that makes it five times more annoying to play?

Its Joust but fairer with better controls. Breezy light fun.

No - I refuse point blank to give this anything more than one and a half stars. Graphically its gorgeous but quite frankly if I wanted to watch a second rate Don Bluth cartoon, i'd buy a dvd or rent something online.

Gameplay wise this is just one over-long QTE sequence where sheer memorisation triumphs over any sort of skill. Thankfully I have the PC version so I dont have to spend out the sheer amount of credits this game must have demanded to make any degree of progress. Just bleh.

Im probably being overly generous but this is probably one of the main games that got me into the weird wild world of Indie gaming. Its wacky, messy and full of sheer ridiculous moments. Sure its also obtuse as hell sometimes but I wouldnt have it any other way.

I.... This game makes me feel unwell. Oh no.... I feel like I walked into somebodys fetish. Its gross. Agh.

Game looks awful and you really wish there was a little more to it in the design department but gameplay-wise its surprisingly very good. Sure the difficulty is all over the place but its very much a game with its heart in the right place, even if it cant quite stick the landing looks-wise.

Meh. Its ok. Its not as hard as it would like to think it is and its also a little too short and devoid of replay value to really recommend properly.

This is not how you do a collection. Sure the base arcade games are all fine and play well but hiding all the Atari 2600 games behind a heap of brutally unfun and difficult challenges is just sadistic and pretty much forces you to either master every single arcade game to the point of exhaustion or to download a separate save file to use.

Just no

Oof. The emulation here is not pretty for some of the racing games with slowdown in some, stuttering in others and a couple have their entire soundtracks replaced by garbage. This is not good and you'd be better off trying to find the dreamcast versions of some of the games here.

Another ok set of games with the occasional emulation hiccup. UI is much better but the hiccups are more noticable with MK II getting hit hard thanks to button mapping choices and APB having some weird scratchy sounds.

Theres some decent stuff here but theres also a fair amount of clunkers to offset those. Emulation is mostly ok bar some games with sound issues. The overall UI and menu systems suck horribly. Its worth nabbing if you need to but theres better ways to play most of the titles on this collection nowadays.

Starts off fun, mechanics are sound and it looks nice. Only issue is the game never changes its graphics at all so everything looks the same regardless of what level you are on. In addition, levels go from fun frolics to over-long nightmares you wish would end.