NB! The game has a lot of different themes that might be triggering to many players, some being domestic violence, emotional trauma, murder and mentions of suicide. There is also bright colors, effects and visuals that can cause migraines if you are sensitive to that.

Winona is the perfect girlfriend. She's so giving and kind, and the light of Reese's life - until one day, she winds up dead in Reese's kitchen. Reese isn't sure what is happening and she is accused by a gargantuan tiger named The Judge of murdering Winona, and stumbles through a mindscape of her own making, exploring old memories and feelings about Winona in order to find the true culprit behind Winona's death.

ALTER EGO is a 2D point-and-click narrative-based game featuring psychological elements. Reese the Rat discovers the dead body of her girlfriend, Winona the Sheep in her kitchen. Explore two levels with atmospheric environments, solve puzzles, and use the items in your inventory to uncover the mystery behind their relationship, and find the real culprit behind the strange happenings.

The game has beautifully bizarre visuals, with interesting, but rather short story and pretty alright gameplay. The puzzles are nothing too hard and are easy to get through. The character design is wonderful and very interesting. For a free game this game is absolutely fantastic. It's really short though, sadly, but it's definitely worth checking out.

When you first see the game page your thoughts are straight turned to "Oh yeah, this is your basic hentai game", but it definitely isn't that. Selene ~Apoptosis~ is a free mystical thriller visual novel filled with dark romance, even darker secrets and horror that is ever present, but still creeps up on you when you least expect it. The additional adult scenes that you can get by purchasing the DLC are well made and definitely spicy.

The soundtrack is something that fits the game like a glove. It's well made and has vibe that compliments the creepy feel of the story. It gives me vibes that someone is standing behind me and just watching and waiting...which is a good thing considering the creepy feels of this game.

Artwork is beautiful and well made. The characters are beautiful and definitely enjoyable to look at. Only thing that I would have wished was that there were more actual artworks, be they adult kind or not, but it's understandable that there wasn't that many considering it's a free game.

It's definitely a game worth checking out and if you want to get some spice in the mix, the DLC is well worth it. Even without the DLC it's highly recommended. Don't be discouraged by the "adult only" tag, as the base game without the DLC only has light depictions of sexual themes.

Highly recommended.

A Short visual novel game that is a semi-fictionalized autobiographical story about the dev's experiences with trauma and sex work. The author explains how sex work impacted her life and changed her perception of the world. It's around an hour long experience more than a game, it's raw and harrowing and the topic might be difficult for many to get through. The content warnings are definitely something you should heed if these topics are not for you.

Regardless of any of that, it's a great emotional narrative with an interesting pixel artwork style and it will definitely make you think on these things. Highly recommended and for the cheap price of free it's definitely worth it.

A short 2D, Point and Click adventure with a Christmas theme, Seaberry Holiday manages to be a somewhat cute, but ultimately quite forgettable and very short festive story.

The artwork is ... cute? You can clearly tell that it was either made by someone younger or someone whose art journey is just starting, but the style gives the game a cute, child-like feel.

Sadly I feel like it is way too short, but since it is free, I feel like it's worth the short amount of time it takes to complete.

💜This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

An older flash style match-3 game previously released to mobile and BigFish Games around 2011. Many of the dev's other games are also from the mid to late 2000's era, now being ported to Steam as well.

Akhra: The Treasures was a fun, casual match-3 game, but sadly it doesn't really fit our curator in general. There was no animals of any kind which made it a little disappointing, BUT it doesn't really change my opinion on the game as a whole.

It's a good little game that is well done and has a solid amount of stages. It took me a little longer at certain points, because some stages required more brain, but it was mostly casual and chill. There is a few different types of stages in the game; slide, swap, twist and chain. You also have to collect map pieces while you go so you can move on to the next group of stages.

I would recommend this game for anyone who enjoys match-3 puzzle games! It's fun and enjoyable.

"I’ve come for vengeance. To avenge the pain inflicted on this land by Kaiho.
Once the morning comes, this land and these people will be free once more."

- Aragami

You play as Aragami, a vengeful spirit with the power to control the shadows. You have been summoned by a girl named Yamiko to avenge her abductors. Embark on a journey covered by mystery, full of blood and secrets. Discover the truth about your origins and what is the truth behind the veil.

Aragami is a third-person stealth game with a gorgeous visual design and a protagonist that feels as graceful as you'd expect a ninja to be. There is multiple ways to beat each scenario and approach every situation. You can play as a merciless emissary of death or an undetectable ghost. Your story, your choices.

Aragami was a very interesting experience. I really like stealth games, so I was sure I would enjoy this game and sure enough, I had a blast with it. It's definitely a visually pretty game with fluid controls and fun stealthy gameplay. The difficulties are not too hard, but they give a little bit of challenge when you want it. I did all of the possible medals on normal difficulty to get all of the achievements in the game and it definitely took a while, but the game was still fun.

Definitely a recommended for any stealth game lovers!

I remember I borrowed this one and another harry potter game from a friend back in 2008. It was great! I have always enjoyed the series as a child and I still do.

I remember I borrowed this one and another harry potter game from a friend back in 2008. It was great! I have always enjoyed the series as a child and I still do.

My first sims experience right here. It was glorious! I was instantly hooked and I have enjoyed sims games ever since. My mom bought me all the DLCs back then and I would constantly play the game and make new families, build things, kill sims, create stories. It's absolutely a fantastic game. Hasn't really aged all that well nowadays, but I would still play this for sure.

Not my favorite sims game, but I had to test it atleast once. I started my sims journey with sims 2, so when I went to play this game in 2019 for the first time, it was interesting for sure. The game hasn't really aged well, but you can definitely still enjoy your time with it. Still, I prefer the more modern sims games.

Want to experience the highs and lows of high school in a special way? It was hard enough for Alicia at the famed Wintermoor Academy before the Principal declared a snowball war between clubs! Now her club's only hope is to transform from nerdy nobodies into fantasy heroes. Unravel a reality-bending mystery with your friends and test your strategic mettle against an avalanche of colorful characters. And remember! High School is all about learning and making friends!

Wintermoor Tactics Club is a very charming, turn-based game about (essentially) a D&D club tackling a real life adventure. There's an underlying message about inclusivity and being true to yourself, but ultimately it's a cute Saturday morning cartoon type of game about the Power of Friendship! The tactics part of the game is not overly difficult, but some parts of it can offer a slight challenge.

The game offers a huge emphasis on characters and story, though the combat is also important. It's a wonderful little game that I spent a good chunk of time in, and I think it's fully worth it in the end. The story was intriguing and kept me on the edge of my seat, where as the characters were all lovely and unique, with their own little quirks and styles.

The game is very much worth it even at full price. Highly recommended.

I can definitely give credit to these study games for my english skills when I was a little girl. Great fun.

Old and nostalgic, isn't really that good at this day and age lol

“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.”

From the BAFTA-Award winning ustwo games studio comes Alba: A Wildlife Adventure. An absolutely fantastic experience, imbued with personality at every turn, that can be completed in a single session, with an emotional finish and a great message about preserving nature and it's wonders.

Join Alba Singh, a cute pig-tail haired girl, as she visits her grandparents on a fictional Mediterranean island of Pinar del Mar. She is ready for a peaceful summer of wildlife exploration with her friend Ines in the town of Secarral, but when the mayor decides to doom the island's nature reserve to a sad fate, they decided to gather up signatures for a petition from the people of the town.

Alba: A Wildlife Adventure shows the power of a little girl and what she can do to make things better. It feels like the world is actually becoming a better place through small act of kindness and compassion that you could do in the real world today. It’s a good game to give to children, to help pass along the idea that they can make a difference, they can help the world, if they so choose. The game is a great experience for all ages though, and anyone can help out mother nature with small deeds through out their lives.

It's a beautiful experience that I was very happy to be able to experience. I have to thank my good friend Gina for gifting it to me, such a lovely game and it will forever stay in my favorites list. I wish more games would bring so much joy and happiness.