I remember I borrowed this one and another harry potter game from a friend back in 2008. It was great! I have always enjoyed the series as a child and I still do.

My first sims experience right here. It was glorious! I was instantly hooked and I have enjoyed sims games ever since. My mom bought me all the DLCs back then and I would constantly play the game and make new families, build things, kill sims, create stories. It's absolutely a fantastic game. Hasn't really aged all that well nowadays, but I would still play this for sure.

Not my favorite sims game, but I had to test it atleast once. I started my sims journey with sims 2, so when I went to play this game in 2019 for the first time, it was interesting for sure. The game hasn't really aged well, but you can definitely still enjoy your time with it. Still, I prefer the more modern sims games.

Want to experience the highs and lows of high school in a special way? It was hard enough for Alicia at the famed Wintermoor Academy before the Principal declared a snowball war between clubs! Now her club's only hope is to transform from nerdy nobodies into fantasy heroes. Unravel a reality-bending mystery with your friends and test your strategic mettle against an avalanche of colorful characters. And remember! High School is all about learning and making friends!

Wintermoor Tactics Club is a very charming, turn-based game about (essentially) a D&D club tackling a real life adventure. There's an underlying message about inclusivity and being true to yourself, but ultimately it's a cute Saturday morning cartoon type of game about the Power of Friendship! The tactics part of the game is not overly difficult, but some parts of it can offer a slight challenge.

The game offers a huge emphasis on characters and story, though the combat is also important. It's a wonderful little game that I spent a good chunk of time in, and I think it's fully worth it in the end. The story was intriguing and kept me on the edge of my seat, where as the characters were all lovely and unique, with their own little quirks and styles.

The game is very much worth it even at full price. Highly recommended.

I can definitely give credit to these study games for my english skills when I was a little girl. Great fun.

Old and nostalgic, isn't really that good at this day and age lol

“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.”

From the BAFTA-Award winning ustwo games studio comes Alba: A Wildlife Adventure. An absolutely fantastic experience, imbued with personality at every turn, that can be completed in a single session, with an emotional finish and a great message about preserving nature and it's wonders.

Join Alba Singh, a cute pig-tail haired girl, as she visits her grandparents on a fictional Mediterranean island of Pinar del Mar. She is ready for a peaceful summer of wildlife exploration with her friend Ines in the town of Secarral, but when the mayor decides to doom the island's nature reserve to a sad fate, they decided to gather up signatures for a petition from the people of the town.

Alba: A Wildlife Adventure shows the power of a little girl and what she can do to make things better. It feels like the world is actually becoming a better place through small act of kindness and compassion that you could do in the real world today. It’s a good game to give to children, to help pass along the idea that they can make a difference, they can help the world, if they so choose. The game is a great experience for all ages though, and anyone can help out mother nature with small deeds through out their lives.

It's a beautiful experience that I was very happy to be able to experience. I have to thank my good friend Gina for gifting it to me, such a lovely game and it will forever stay in my favorites list. I wish more games would bring so much joy and happiness.

You have four basic elements, an empty planet and plenty of time. You will have to use your intelligence and imagination as you combine air, water, fire and earth to create them into new elements to make your planet come alive!

Doodle God is an addicting puzzle & world building game where players use logic and ingenuity to create the entire universe. Starting with the basic elements of earth, wind, fire and air players can build a world filled with locomotives, Dragons, skyscrapers, Aliens and more. As you create elements watch the world come to life as new combinations create new elements, life-forms and objects that propagate the planet's surface.

Doodle God is a puzzle video game developed by JoyBits and originally released in 2010 for iOS and Adobe Flash. It includes gameplay inspired by a DOS game named Alchemy from 1997. Acting as the Doodle God, the player must combine available elements together to gain access to new elements. Combinations can be both physical (such as combining Water and Lava to obtain Steam and Stone) and metaphorical (such as combining Water and Fire to obtain Alcohol).

When I played this game for the first time in 2011 I fell in love with it! It was so much fun and such a different experience from anything else I had played. Sadly, the game hasn't aged all that well and I feel like it's not such a great game for me anymore. I played through it fully, getting all combinations, all elements, did all chapters, puzzles and artifacts, and I can truly say that I just couldn't enjoy it the same anymore.

Not sure why that was my reaction to it, but maybe it was just me? Either way, I can't really recommend it to you. Could be fun to play for nostalgia if it was free but the price range for a game that hasn't aged all that well isn't that great.

A mystery visual novel that follows a man named Sebastian as he’s forced into a game of life-or-death, alongside three strangers. Who put him there, and more importantly… who can he trust?

start;again is a very unique experience and game. It doesn't work the same way regular visual novels do, where you should save after choices and pick the better option. In this game you have a flowchart of all the routes. Some routes are locked before you go forward in another route. The story unveils itself slowly by telling you the right answers in other routes.

It's a very intriguing and sad story, and it definitely made me cry in the end. The artstyle is very beautiful and even the soundtrack helps to bring the right mood of each scene. Absolutely fantastic experience and I am glad to have experienced it.

Highly recommended to visual novel enjoyers. Filled with mystery and love, definitely worth every penny.

The main character is a city boy named Torin, who after his mother tells him to touch some grass, arrives at a rural community of farmers and he meets three eccentric farmer guys who all are a little odd. Even though they were odd at first, eventually they become very good friends of Torin! There is a chance for some wacky romance in there as well.

The game itself is pretty alright and the artstyle is okay even though I find it a rather simple and boring. The characters however were something I didn't like at all. They were just too weird and odd right from the beginning and it was super weird to even do any of the romance routes for the characters because they were just so weird. I kinda feel like the game would have benefited from longer routes and more time spent on actual bonding of the characters, rather than the romances being really fast and odd.

I guess the game is worth the price at it is at currently, but I just really didn't enjoy the weird humor, story and the artstyle of this game. Therefore I can't recommend it, but I think someone might enjoy the game.

Cats? CATS!

I could leave my review there and be done with it, and honestly it would be enough to recommend this game, but I feel like I need to explain myself somewhat, since this game is a tad bit weird in it's ... theme. When you first see the game you must be thinking to yourself, "Dating cats?! What the heck is this trash!", but I must say that the game really sells you the story so well that it will eventually make sense why you are dating cats.

Obviously the game is all fun and, well, games, and doesn't really seriously recommend anyone to try bestiality. The game itself is a big cat pun and has a lot of fun dialogue and interesting art. Purrfect Date blends mystery, intrigue and wickedly black humor, to create the ultimate crossbreed between visual novel and dating simulator!

It's a cat dating sim that is painfully self-aware of it's existence, and delivers sarcastic humor that makes it hilarious and totally endearing. You will play the role of 6 research assistants who have been shipped off to a secret remote location called "Cat Island". As dark secrets and events unfold, you will suddenly find yourself able to communicate with the island's feline inhabitants. And being the feline lover that you are with such well-spoken cats, the next logical choice aside your continued study of the island, is a little kitty romance.

The game is definitely worth it for the price that it sells at, but 100% the game was a pain. There is no skip dialogue buttons or anything similar that would make your journey to 100% completion easier after your first playthrough. I figured a good way to use an autoclicker to click through the dialogue faster, but it was still a slog to go through when you had to read the same dialogue a few times.

Nevertheless, it's a game that I really enjoyed and I do think it's a worth it experience for any cat lovers and visual novel enjoyers alike!

"Just as the smell of blood attracts a predator,
so does the triumph of life attract death and destruction."

- Hasvah

Gods of Savvarah | Part I is, as it's name suggests, the first part of an incredibly interesting adventure. It's a visual novel type of game with many choices and branching dialogues, different endings and deaths. You play as a Savvarian named Hasvah, who is a big grey lizard man. The story unravels in interesting ways as you play the game and the world around you has so many things to learn.

Savvarah is an evergreen paradise hidden from the eyes of strangers. The godlike and all-powerful tyrant Ackotal has sealed himself off from the world and created his own state in the middle of the forest with a rigid hierarchy, at the very bottom of which are lizard-slaves. Hasvah is one of them. One day, however, the slave receives the chance not only to break out of his imprisonment, but also to change the destinies of other characters and entire nations.

For a free, first part of a whole game, this one is definitely a worthy piece to play and I think many will enjoy it. The wait for the continuation of this story might be a long one, but fear not, as there is more games in the world of Savvarah in the works and it will be great, I am sure of it.


Ah yes. Spore. The genius creature creator from 2008.
It still remains to this day as one of my favorite god/sandbox games.

The gameplay is quite simple, you start in the cell stage, where you must nurture and grow your species to the next stage and the next after that. The game continues from the cell stage to the creature stage where you must survive the land, feed and mate and collect parts, while befriending or destroying other creatures. After that stage we have the tribal stage, which also ends the evolution segment and starts the social segment, where you must bring your tribe to victory with any means necessary, either friendly or hostile. After the tribal stage we have the civilization stage where you must control a civilization and your goal is the domination of the planet! The Final stage is the sandbox like stage, the Space Stage. This marks the beginning of the exploration and colonization of space, starting with the home system of the creature.

In the end the most fun I had in this game has always been while creating creatures or in the space stage. Other parts are fun, but I find myself usually wanting to get through them as fast as I can. Despite that, the whole game is very entertaining and it's very heavy with nostalgia for myself and probably many others as well.

Great old game, definitely worth the hefty price of 20€ these days as well. Highly recommended.

"Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated.
And the witch hunts will never be about witches.
To have a scapegoat — that's the key."

— Geralt of Rivia

In Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, you get to play as Geralt of Rivia, a witcher, a monster slayer for hire for the right price. You get to traverse the war-torn, monster-infested lands of the Continent while tracking down Ciri — the Child of Prophecy, a living weapon that can alter the shape of the world and also someone you hold near and dear to your mutated witcher heart.

This game was an absolute gem of a game to play. Even though I played it on the hardest difficulty for the achievements, it was a blast, every minute of it. Sure it was hard as heck, but the satisfaction you feel after completing a contract or slaying down a quest boss was just that something I really needed. When I got this game my ultimate plan was to first complete witcher 1 and 2 before tackling this game. I did just that, and I felt like this game was just the perfect finale for the journey of Geralt.

There is just so many little details in the world of which you traverse as Geralt, that it's hard to say what specifically I enjoyed the most, but believe me when I say, that I felt fully immersed in this game, would not be an overstatement. The soundtrack is out of this world, giving a thrill to a hunt, or the romance you get to experience. The graphics are just stunning and I had so much fun just screenshotting all the little details of the world around me.

The characters and the story of this game, were something that I just couldn't get enough of. Probably one of my favorite characters had to be Dandelion, obviously, but I also really enjoyed Gaunter O'dimm as well. OH! And Regis, he is such a sweetheart, a lovable vampire we all should love and appreciate. Now speaking of the story, the main game had such twists and turns that at certain points I was sitting on the edge of my gamer seat.

The fact that there is multiple endings is such a treat and I will most definitely revisit this game at some point once again to get a different ending. The two DLCs, Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine were also absolutely amazing stories and I enjoyed them both wholeheartedly.

In the end I must say that this game is 100% worth the time I put in it, and I can't wait to get my hands on the books some day. Such an intricate world that deserves all the love and attention. I do hope there will be new games in the world of The Witcher, maybe not through the eyes of Geralt, but the eyes of another.

Also Triss best girl, fite me.