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1 day

Last played

June 18, 2020

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Completely acceptable remake of FF7.

The story is the exact same as the original so if you liked that story you'll like this story.

The gameplay is broken down into several modes I played the game on normal which entails a gamplay system that is closest to Final Fantasy 13 with a little Kingdom Hearts mixed in. Battles play out in real time but throughout battles characters fill up their action gauges and spending those gauges allows you to perform abilities and cast spells. Most combat boils down to finding a enemies weakness and then exploiting it which can get kind of monotonous but overall the gameplay is perfectly serviceable. I'm aware there is also a classic mode for a more turn based style of combat.

My main gripe with the game is it's somewhat shallow mechanics. Almost all character progression is done though weapons, their assigned skills trees and the materia you equip to them. But what becomes very clear is that each weapon is designed to fulfill a certain role by the options you are given in the skill tree. IE the basebal bat weapon is obviously ment for a crit build because all it's upgrades are about increasing crit chance and crit dmg. This leads to some what narrow gameplay.

This game is also pretty linear which I welcome. I've grown way past the need for large expansive RPGs with 3 million npcs and 2 thousand side quests. It's nice to play a game that just lets you play it without sending you on a bunch of busy work in order to make itself feel expansive. Long sense have gone the days of me making fun of Final Fantasy 13 by calling it "Final Hallway 13" after years of being battered with Skyrim derivatives.

The dialogue is also downright terrible but I give the game a bit of leeway in this department and chalk it up to a poor translation more than anything.

The new graphical coat of paint also kind of sucks a bit of the character from the world and the characters. Everything looks dusty and/or rusty. The textures on the main cast look great but there are some NPC and environment textures that look beyond terrible. It's a graphical game of highs and lows.

Audio wise the game is amazing. The soundtrack is all remakes of ff7 music and they are all done really well.

But all in all this game is pretty solid. It feels a bit shallow at times but it never feels downright bad. It's systems are serviceable just don't go in expecting to have your world set on fire.