(Review only covers Section 1-2)
Deltatraveler is the first Undertale/Deltarune fan game that I got into. I was always interested in trying Undertale fan games, but none of them stood out to me except for Deltatraveler and TSUnderswap. So I tried out Deltatraveler and I was pleasantly surprised to find a really fun reimagining of the ruins from Undertale and a fun premise.

The main premise of the fan game is simple: What if Kris and Susie go to places that they shouldn’t be at? It’s based on the “Kris where the hell are we” meme that was popular last year. The meme had Kris and Susie edited into different games while Susie is in her silly-looking wide sprite. The game takes this meme and goes more in-depth with this idea. How would the story play out if Kris and Susie were inserted into random games? What would be different?

//Section 1 "In Ruins"//
The first section of this fan game is called “In Ruins” and primarily takes place in the Ruins from Undertale. My biggest worry before I started was that area would be a bit too similar to the ruins from Undertale. Deltatraveler's Ruins are completely unchanged from the original however the narrative that takes place is completely different. Susie adds a lot of great commentary on the area and ends up drastically changing how the story plays out compared to the original. I like how natural the story changes in the game are. The scenes with Toriel hits hard and the boss of the section was a great surprise.

The combat is pretty much just Deltarune’s combat system in the Undertale UI. Those 2 systems are already pretty much identical so the combination makes sense. Like in Deltarune and Undertale you have the option to either spare or fight enemies. There are 3 main routes in the game; Pacifist where you spare every monster you come across, neutral where you pick and choose what monsters you want to spare or kill, and Obliteration where you kill every monster in the area. I highly recommend doing either neutral or Pacifist first because like in Undertale Obliteration is a miserable experience that is not worth doing unless you want to be an asshole.

Whatever route you take the enemies will be the same and they are identical to how they worked in Undertale. Their attack patterns and ACTions are the same. The only real difference is Susie's S-actions which adds another way for you to spare enemies. I’m fine with the attacks being the same since it’s a fan game. The music however is a mixture of old tracks from Undertale and entirely new tracks. The battle theme, ruin’s theme during the obliterate route, and the boss theme are completely new. They’re really good. The new rendition of Enemy Approaching is a banger and the boss theme is fantastic. The music was great and I’m excited to hear new tracks in future sections.

//Hard Mode//
Hard mode is Section 1, but you play as Frisk instead of Kris. A lot of the dialogue of the area is changed to fit this change leading to humorous moments. The enemies are all changed to their more challenging counterparts. Not much else to say about this part of the game except that it's worth playing (especially for that ending.) Also, the remix of stronger monsters is incredible.

//Section 2 "Oh Mother"//
When I first saw the teaser at the end of section 1 that the next section would be based on Earthbound, I was so hyped. After finishing the section, it lived up to the hype.

Section 2 primarily takes place during the Happy Happy Village portion of Earthbound. The story follows familiar beats of the original area's plot with of course differences due to the Deltarune character's involvement. Seeing Kris, Susie and Noelle explore Earthbound's bizarre world was fun.

The combat is done in the Deltarune/Undertale combat which is neat. All the earthbound enemies have all new and unique bullet patterns. Each enemy also has its ways of sparing them.

The visuals of the Earthbound areas have been completely redone to fit the Deltarune art style and all of the sprites look great. The world, characters, and animations look great. The new music for this section is fantastic. The new battle theme, boss theme, and the credits' theme are excellent.

There is also an obliteration route for this section. Don’t do it. Unless you like being horrible don’t do it. The exclusive content isn’t worth it awful feeling in your gut when you reach the end. Just enjoy the adventure in the pacifist or neutral route.

Overall Deltatraveler is a great fan game that I highly recommend checking out. If you are an Undertale/Deltarune fan this is a must-play.

Never felt more mixed on a game in my entire life.

On the one hand it has the best over-world exploration in the entire series. It’s fun to explore the gorgeous environments and look for hidden secrets. Chapter 4 is the best part of the game due to it’s focus on this kind of exploration.

It also unfortunately has in my opinion the worst combat in the entire series. Sticker Star is monotonous and boring but at least it’s playable. Origami combat feels like I bashing my head against the wall trying to figure out those stupid sliding puzzles.

The worst part is that in the game there is battles in the over-world that are way more engaging then the actual combat system. Why didn’t they just get rid of the turn base combat and instead focus on improving this system instead?

Who knows? The highs in this game are really high but the lows are really low. Only play this game if your curious or like sliding puzzles.

A surprisingly fun RPG. Being able to create mii’s to fill roles in an RPG is really fun and can lead to absolutely hilarious scenarios. My only major is issue is the combat. It gets repetitive after awhile and it doesn’t help that your main party can have arguments with each other which gets annoying after awhile. Overall I enjoyed it for what it was.