Finally finished after playing on and off for the past couple years. I don't care about the political stuff, it's rarely mentioned in game and the world feels fine. My problems stem from the story which is just poorly told. I feel like there's a good sequel in here somewhere but Naughty Dog really dropped the ball. I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed.

Also, I hate Naughty Dog's recent trend of locking in game unlockables until you finish the game. Personally, I don't replay narrative-driven games. (this only applies to TLOU 1) I would like the opportunity to have a Daxter backpack without having to replay the game in order to enjoy it.

And where was the Jak & Daxter love? I'm not very good at noticing Easter eggs at the best of times but I didn't see a single reference. I know they must be there somewhere but it did annoy me a little.

I want more actiony Lovecraftian stuff but this was just too much of a 'retro shooter' for me.

It's fun and I wanted to like it more but as a big fan of until Dawn, I thought it was a bit of a letdown. The monster choice was just a bit too familiar to the prior game and I was hoping for some deeper lore.


F*** this game!

Randomly jump-scared the sh!t out of me as a kid once and I didn't touch our laptop for days.

Got to play it during Steam's 'Next Fest' and really enjoyed it. Thankfully, I was also sent a code to access the closed Beta so I could keep playing. This is a game that has a lot of promise and delivers.

With a world similar to Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind, the game involves building, maintaining and protecting a village on the back of a giant creature from toxic pollen clouds. I find the premise to be very exciting and interesting with the gameplay complimenting that nicely.

My only complaint is the lack of a pollen free mode or difficulty setting for the more casual player as it can be a little overwhelming when Onbu is in a bad mood and decides to sleep in the middle of a pollen cloud.

It's completely unfinished and abandoned by it's developer but if I squinted my eyes and used my imagination, it felt a little bit like the short story.

A work of pure genius and artistic strife!