Don't like this one at all. The story is pretty bland, the mechanics are all kind of shallow and weak, and it's really just an ARPG with an inordinate amount of walking. If the character progression was stronger, then I might've considered finishing it, but that was not the case and, entonces, I will leave this game uncompleted for now. Perhaps Gothic 2 is as good as people say this is?

There are some pretty dismal puzzles here-and-there, as well as two (out of four) chapters that somewhat miss the mark for me in terms of humor and tone, but it turns out that Years 2 and 4 are beautifully-written noir-ish masterpieces and I forgive all of this game's faults because of this. LOVED the ending, LOVED the art direction, the music; this one is one for the books right here.

A short, mean slice of action interactivity with all the pomposity of the Norman Jewison film it's trying to emulate and all the explosions and skating-tricks that I bought this game for. Can't wait to revisit it in a little while.

Inoffensive point-and-click game that's a bit too short for what its aims appear to be. Also, I'm just going to note that there's some pretty disturbing imagery in this game that I was certainly not expecting; nothing terrible, but still pretty wacky for a family-friendly-oriented game like this.

A well-meaning and enjoyable linear "soulslike" adventure game that has quite a lot of charm (which is never a surprise, considering the developer), but is perhaps lacking a bit in terms of narrative and depth. It's a good time for a few hours and I'd recommend a buy, but certainly not a masterpiece by any means.

The story drags on for WAY too long after the very predictable twist arrives, but this is still quite a satisfying action RPG, replete with many clever roleplaying systems that are only occasionally asphyxiated by some poor structural decisions. I liked it a lot.

Clever little puzzle game that hides a pretty banal sailor's yarn under a mountain of busy-work, which initially had me dismayed (as I was informed this was a detective game, and not a puzzle game). Once I realized how this massive puzzle was supposed to be approached, I began to favor the project a bit more, and while I'm still not really sold on the story, I quite appreciate the central mechanical idea, a few of the little mysteries that generates, and the presentation of the whole thing. In my opinion, this one is VASTLY overrated but it is, nevertheless, worth a playthrough.