5 reviews liked by JeanneDarc

the original is basically perfect so there’s not really much point in remaking this. unless you consider that one of the main intentions behind the remake, beyond just removing tank controls in the old ones, it to make the tone and characters more consistent. the original may be perfect in a vacuum but as an re story it has almost nothing to do with the rest of the series, so from a story perspective the need for a revisit was obvious.

not as good as the original at all, but its good, and convinced me that the devs can definitely handle the more squirrely sequels.

i loved the atmospheric, understated character driven moments and i loved the horrific dreamscape chapters. unfortunately, in between the high points are a bunch of cartoon mobsters telling me i have to take out tommy “da mooch” gabagool and eat all his money or something which bored me to tears

it says is a "one handed game" wink wink, but the gameplay is too intense and the main enemy sprites are too crude for it to be practical to do anything with your free hand if you understand what im saying. it is pretty fun tho tbh

great narrative design and writing, although some of the presentation can be derivative, especially when it just does the car scene from Children of Men multiple times. It's sorta The Long Halloween of video games in that way.

the awkward bridge between doom and call of duty, it basically created the spec ops gi joe that modern warfare popularized, but came out before halo invented putting assault rifles in games. The level design is mediocre to bad, the music is actively awful, and it can be shockingly culturally insensitive, but it does feel awesome to blow someone away with a giant machine gun like arnold schwarzenegger in commando.