One of the worst games in the franchise. Slippery controls, ugly ass graphics, annoying mission design, and a story trying so hard to be dark and edgy it’s not even funny, it’s just awful.
Do not play this game.

If Mania was everything you loved about Classic Sonic games in one package, Forces is everything you were bored with about Modern Sonic games in one package.
Dull and short levels, mediocre story, washed out art style that’s a major step back from Unleashed and Generations (and even Lost World).
The Avatar customization is kinda cool though, I guess.

My first Sonic game, it holds a lot of nostalgia. I still find enjoyment in the majority of the gameplay styles featured, and I believe this is the best iteration of 3D sonic gameplay the franchise has gotten thus far. The graphics/animations have definitely aged, but it’s still largely a fun time.

8 levels I enjoy. 23 I don’t enjoy. Do the math.
Treasure hunting stages are oversized with an intentionally gimped radar.
Mechs are slow, clunky, and not much else beyond a moving fireworks simulator.
Speed stages can be fun, but they trade the smaller and somewhat more open ended design of Adventure for faster and more spectacle ridden stages. They can be fun, but I’d rather play Unleashed for spectacle-filled stages.
Not very fun for me.

Ambitious for its time, but an utter mess of level design and soundtrack (I know many love but I largely don’t care for). But a pretty damn fun mess at that.

Meant to celebrate on the 20 years past of Sonic’s history, it is full of fun nods and easter eggs to said history. Lacking on story and has a few over repeated environment types (4 city levels, 3 starter levels) and one of the worst final bosses in Sonic game history, but made up for in a fun assortment of Classic and Modern stages. Very fun to use Mods on for PC players.

One of the most technologically impressive games released on the Sega Genesis and a overall very fun experience, Sonic 3 and Knuckles set the gold standard for how future Sonic games ought to be. 3 playable characters with unique abilities, all giving players the same gameplay they know and love and allowing them to see each zone’s paths and secrets. It is primarily held down by annoying design choices especially present in the & Knuckles portion that deliberately haults a players’ momentum to either wait or stall for the stage to progress on. All in all, one of the best Sonic games available. Recommended.

The Sonic game I continually come back to the most. Very creative use of old gimmicks in new and returning zones, a head-bopping soundtrack and fantastic level design all throughout, with only one minorly annoying dud of an act in Mirage Saloon Act 1 (Sonic and Tails). What the game lacks in a coherent story and originality, it more than makes up for in its incredibly fun modernized level design, five playable charactere, and features (Time Limit Switch On/Off, unlocking sonic’s abilities from past classic sonic games). The best Sonic has ever been.