Zombie Santino Marrella...that is all.

We straight up stole the Hollywood sign and put it in a skate park.

Eternally grateful for this game introducing me to "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash.

Bowling and golf where my (virtual) sports back then!

The Vice City vibes translated pretty well to handheld.

And like Liberty City Stories, this game's theme ALSO slaps!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIsJ99AXJE8&pp=ygUXdmljZSBjaXR5IHN0b3JpZXMgdGhlbWU%3D

Such an AWESOME idea for a video-game, especially for film lovers. Deserves a new installment!

The greatest "fuck about and hurt yourself" game ever made. Breaking your virtual legs has never been more fun!

The last good Call of Duty to come out.

Great memories of the OG Nuketown and hands down the best COD Zombies ever.

Fine gun combat but possibly the worst driving mechanics I've experienced in an open-world game. Every car had the turning circle of the Titanic.

Much prefer this game's grittier tone and serious story compared to the overly-bright, quirky sequels. Gameplay was alright as well, the stealth was fairly satisfying.

A good, gritty, immersive FPS. The WW1 setting felt unique and well realized.

My childhood Bond game. Loved the Aston Martin Bucharest mission.

The final mission "Equinox" caused me way too much stress as a 5 year old.