As someone new to the Xbox world, I thought I'd go through The Big Thing collection and see what all the fuss is about.

Sluggish, repetitive, generic, po-faced, unmemorable, but then sometimes you just want a big chunk of safe, familiar action to chill with.

Based on my knowledge gained via cultural absorption, I'm pretty sure the above will be valid for every one of these.

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2021


2 years ago

Halo Reach is the best one anaw, you can probably stop now
I made a start on the remaster of the first one and the facial animations were really off-putting, so yeah maybe I'll call it there

2 years ago

Halo Reach is not the best Halo game... Halo 2 Anniversary or plain old Halo 3 would probably be your best introductions to these games, I think!
Okay so maybe I'll just skip 1, as I did spend an afternoon on a legendary pistol co-op back in the day. The playthrough is back on!

2 years ago

halo 2 is a hella good time, enjoy
Is that the one where you start as a Covenant guy? I think my pal Ash gave me a shot of it on his, but I wasn't paying attention so at the very start I punched several of my team and he was all "what are you DOING!?”

2 years ago

yes, halo 2 is the one with the covenant guy