I don't know, It was nice back in 2009 and now it's cute


It amazes me what Monolith was capable of pulling with the Build Engine. The AI is great, Stephan Weyte gives an outstanding performance as Caleb and of course the Cultists are amazing. They also can be a pain in the ass on higher difficulties, especially the ones with Tommy Guns. I think most, if not all, of my deaths were due to being overwhelmed by them. Hands down the best FPS experience I had, a must play in my humble opinion.

A pretty good game when played alone, but it becomes amazing with friends. I mean you get to beat giant monsters with giant swords, so yeah it's fun.

A really beautiful platformer with a wholesome message.
Pretty difficult at times, but it's very rewarding.

The story started off bad so I skipped after the first part. The gacha mechanics can suck my dick, the SQ is too expensive and the pity roll system is some kind of a sick joke by the devs. Fortunately I was lucky enough to get most of the characters I wanted for free.

My advice for everyone that wants to play this game: Don't. I started about 2 years ago and don't plan on stopping, it's like crack. Plus it got me hooked on gacha games and now I play like 4 of them.
At least the character designs are pretty and cool.