This game genuinely made me rethink how I live my life and start working towards improving myself.

I started playing this game as a bald, overweight man and over the course of my gameplay slowly transformed into a Hot Topic goth girl. A great addition to HRT on your transitioning journey.


A pretty funny idea that is executed much better than it has any right to be.

Cold, lonely industrial towns filled with demons. AKA: The most realistic depiction of Ohio in any piece of media.

Once mastered, the mechanics of this game feel better than sex.

This game ruined a promising franchise. Multiple missions are entirely broken and the rare moments of solid platforming just make me miss Jak & Daxter.

This game is the epitome of an over-hyped open world title with very little fun content.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if BioShock wasn't fun? Here's your answer.

Anyone who has a PSX or PS2 should just play the originals on there. The hitboxes suck.

Bloated, inconsistent mess. I put way too much time into this game for very little return.

This was my first Dynasty Warriors game, so I'm not sure how to compare it to others in the series, but I definitely have a good time cutting hundreds of dudes in half.

This is a game focused only on letting the player have as much fun as possible in their sandbox.